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KimWrice2014 KimWrice2014
Posts: 2
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9 years ago
Janice had an unpaid balance of $940.50 on her credit card statement at the beginning of February. She made a payment of $240.00 during the month. If the interest rate on Janice's credit card was 7% per month on the unpaid balance, find the finance charge and the new balance on March 1.
 A.Finance charge = $63.94; new balance = $764.44   
 B.Finance charge = $75.97; new balance = $776.47   
 C.Finance charge = $69.95; new balance = $770.44   
 D.Finance charge = $65.83; new balance = $766.33   
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9 years ago
Phil had an unpaid balance of $1,854.50 on his credit card statement at the beginning of December. He made a payment of $45.00 during the month. If the interest rate on Phil's credit card was 2.5% per month on the unpaid balance, find the finance charge and the new balance on January 1.

"Phil had an unpaid balance of $1,854.50 on his credit card statement at the beginning of December. He made a payment of $45.00 during the month."
Unpaid balance as of January 1 = 1854.50 - 45 = 1809.50

finance charge
2% of 1809.50 = 0.02× 1809.50
= 36.19

January 1 balance = 1809.50 + 36.19
= $1845.69
which is why you should pay off the full balance every month.
9 years ago
Katie had an unpaid balance of $1,734.50 on her credit card statement at the beginning of January. She made a payment of $165.00 during the month. If the interest rate on Katie's credit card was 7% per month on the unpaid balance, find the finance charge and the new balance on February 1. (Points : 1)
Finance charge = $119.53; new balance = $1,689.03
Finance charge = $121.42; new balance = $1,690.92
Finance charge = $125.53; new balance = $1,695.03
Finance charge = $131.56; new balance = $1,701.06

First, let's figure out the finance charge.

7% of $1734.50

Thus, the finance charge is $121.42.

Now, let's figure out the remaining balance


Therefore, the remaining balance is $1690.92, and the correct answer is the second choice.

Phil had an unpaid balance of $1,854.50 on his credit card statement at the beginning of December. He made a payment of $45.00 during the month. If the interest rate on Phil's credit card was 2.5% per month on the unpaid balance, find the finance charge and the new balance on January 1. (Points : 1)
Finance charge = $44.47; new balance = $1,853.97
Finance charge = $50.47; new balance = $1,859.97
Finance charge = $56.50; new balance = $1,866.00
Finance charge = $46.36; new balance = $1,855.86

First, we should find the finance charge. This will be 2.5% of $1854.50, or


Therefore, the finance charge for this period is $46.36.

To calculate the new balance, add the finance charge to the original balance, and then subtract the amount he pays off.


Therefore, the fourth choice is correct.
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