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dynamo dynamo
Posts: 1713
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9 years ago
What are two major problems that result when principles of supportive communication are not followed while coaching or counseling subordinates?
A) The person shows anger, aggression, competitiveness, and avoidance, and the person dislikes the one sending the message.
B) The person feels put down, ineffectual, or insignificant, and the person is not trustworthy.
C) The person feels put down, ineffectual, or insignificant, and the person shows anger, aggression, competitiveness, and avoidance.
D) The person is not trustworthy, and the person dislikes the one sending the message.
Developing Management Skills

Developing Management Skills

Edition: 8th
Read 610 times
3 Replies
Business Management Student @ the University of Arizona
Textbook: Developing Management Skills, 8E
Answer verified by a subject expert
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9 years ago
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This verified answer contains over 130 words.

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dynamo Author
9 years ago
Really please, thank you for taking the time to provide a detailed explanation. Helps when your teacher misses half the stuff you need to know lol
Business Management Student @ the University of Arizona
Textbook: Developing Management Skills, 8E
9 years ago
It made sense to me as soon as I read it; you'll develop that intuition too if you invest more time reading about it.

Glad to help.
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