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jannah13 jannah13
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8 years ago
The managing director of a well-known company on Wall Street thrives on a diet of fruit jam, bread, pasta, and coffee. She exercises intermittently. One day she decides to go to her primary healthcare provider for a routine checkup. The healthcare provider recommends that she take the Benedict's test. Assume that the glucose levels of the patient are high.
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8 years ago
*** State the results that the test would indicate (specify the color of the solution). ***

Well, Benedict's test detects reducing sugars (such as glucose). Benedict's reagent contains blue copper ions (Cu2+) which are reduced to copper (Cu+) in the presence of reducing sugars. These are precipitated as red copper(I) oxide which is insoluble in water.

The color of the solution would be red.

*** State the composition and the properties of the ketohexose derived from fruit jam. ***

I'm not exactly sure what answer this question wants. But anyway...

A ketohexose is a ketone-containing hexose (a six-carbon monosaccharide). In other words, it is a monosaccharide which has a 6 carbon backbone with a ketone group on C2.

Since they have three chiral centers, 8 (2^3 =8) different stereoisomers are possible.

*** Describe the manner in which ketohexose acts as a reducing sugar in the test. ***

When the hemi-acetal or ketal hydroxyl group is free, i.e. it is not locked, not linked to another (sugar) molecule, the aldehyde (or keto-) form (i.e. the chain-form) is available for reducing copper (II) ions. When a sugar is oxidized, its carbonyl group (i.e. aldehyde or ketone group) is converted to a carboxyl group.

Hopes it helps =]
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8 years ago
Benedict's reagent is a solution of copper sulfate, sodium hydroxide, and tartaric acid. Aqueous glucose is mixed with Benedict's reagent and heated. The reaction reduces the blue copper (II) ion to form a brick red precipitate of copper (I) oxide. Because of this, glucose is classified as a reducing sugar.
8 years ago
1. State the results that the test would indicate (specify the color of the solution).

2. State the composition and the properties of the ketohexose derived from fruit jam.

3. Describe the manner in which ketohexose acts as a reducing sugar in the test.

1. Benedict's test detects reducing sugars (such as glucose). Benedict's reagent contains blue copper ions (Cu2+) which are reduced to copper (Cu+) in the presence of reducing sugars. These are precipitated as red copper(I) oxide which is insoluble in water.Therefore the color of the solution would be Red.

2.Ketohexoses is a ketone containing hexose i.e. it consists of six carbon monosaccharides with a keto group ( R-CO_R ) and other carbon atoms consists an OH group and remaining hydrogens. Ketohexoses are soluble in , doesnt have sharp melting points, can char and sweetin taste because of which are added in the jam. 

3. When the hemi-acetal or ketal hydroxyl group is not engaged or locked or linked to another sugar molecule but  free then the aldehyde (or keto-) form (i.e. the chain-form) is available for reducing copper (II) ions. When a sugar is oxidized, its carbonyl group (i.e. aldehyde or ketone group) is converted to a carboxyl group.
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