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yoxi5236 yoxi5236
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12 years ago
June 6, 2012 Science Daily reports: As summer arrives, and May is to be an asthma attack months, research has shown that doctors may better understand the reasons of the patients with PPM1F mild asthma in the hot and humid weather, difficulty in breathing. A study published in the June issue of American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine "found that: patients inhaled asthma medication in advance to be able to prevent inhalation of the hot and humid air caused by airway constriction, and non-asthmatic volunteers in the same environment, this situation does not occur.Ipratropium bromide used in the treatment of asthma as a drug to prevent airway muscle contraction, increase into the PPM1G lung flow. The facts show that it successfully prevented the effects of air temperature, hot and humid air through the activation of airway warming-sensitive sensory nerves induced asthma symptoms.

Nationwide Children's Hospital, lungs, heart and lung transplant programs medical director, Dr. Don Hayes, said: "We know that the inhalation of dry cold air can cause airway constriction in patients with asthma, but usually ignore the role of temperature for these patients airway in patients with PPP1CC asthma in the hot and humid Little is known about the mechanism of onset in the air and colleagues Dr. Hayes and the University of Kentucky Medical Center Dr. (Hayes at the end of last year into the unit before the inaugural Nationwide Children's Hospital) recruited with mild asthma and healthy people were studied as controls in this research aimed at understanding the hot and humid air to its PPP1R14A lungs affect the six patients with asthma (21-26 years) and six healthy subjects (19-46 years) were asked to inhalation available to a predetermined level of temperature and humidity air suction device, which aims to understand the hot and humid air of its pulmonary effects in six patients with asthma (21-26 years old) and six healthy subjects (19-46 years old) inhalation inhalation devices available to a predetermined level of temperature and humidity of air. this device can be a wet gas mixture of hot air or wet ambient gas, the subjects inhaling any flow of this gas through the nozzle 4 minutes and 16 minutes after the requirements of PPP1R1A breath. researchers, respectively, in subjects before and inspire immediate tests of airway resistance, the same test before and after the body temperature, heart rate, arterial blood pressure and oxygen saturation.The results showed that: the inhalation of hot and humid air can induce mild airway resistance in patients with asthma immediately increased, but the healthy subjects had little effect or no effect. Inhalation of hot and humid air also can trigger asthma in patients with persistent cough, asthma participants prior inhalation of ipratropium bromide aerosol to avoid airway constriction. The study of Hayes Dr., said: "We can not fully understand the potential mechanisms of these reactions.A recent study of the same research team found that: With the intrathoracic temperature up to 102 degrees Fahrenheit, and airway sensory nerves called C-fiber nerves are activated simultaneously. These data appear in an animal model of the University of Kentucky, Dr. Lu-YuanLee laboratory Lee Dr. Laboratory is a National Institutes of Health-funded pulmonary C fiber nerve up to 20-year-old laboratory.From the Ohio Medical University, Professor Hayes said: "When the C-fiber nerve is activated, the lungs, many defense reflex response, including cough and airway contraction."
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A year ago
In many patients with asthma, inhalation of hot, humid air leads to worsening of the symptoms, and sometimes even to asthma attacks. Scientists still don’t know why this happens, but there are assumptions that hot air stimulates the vagus nerve, which in turn causes bronchoconstriction (narrowing of the airways). Humidity can affect asthma and ultimately worsen or trigger symptoms. Humid air can be hard to breathe and it can also trap allergens and pollutants which can set off asthma.
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