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jzs5425 jzs5425
Posts: 8
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11 years ago
I am a Senior in High School trying to deicde on what I am wanting to do. I am torn between being a teacher or a registered nurse. Everyone says that teaching has good benefits and so does nursing. I just cant decide. Most teachers tell me not to go into teaching because the way the state is I am in Alabama. But as a nurse I will always have a job if I dont screw up. The thing with teaching is also job stability thats what bothers me. Will I have a job? The pay isnt a big deal to me just as long as I make enough to live. So tell me whats best teaching or nursing.. Also should I start out at a community college or university. I have done been accepted to Jacksonville State University and the University of North Alabama, What is the best school between the two of them?
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11 years ago
Personally, nursing is a much better, secure option! Teachers are underpaid, scrutinised by senior management and often are mistreated by pupils. It is an extremely tiring job....one of the most I should say! My Spanish teacher was advising us to never ever ever go into teaching, especially with the add on of less pensions.

I do not reccomend it!
11 years ago
I taught for 30 years, be a nurse if u can handle the science required. One never has enough time in teaching though once you get hired you usually don't get laid off.  If I were to start over, I'd be a nurse. College, start at a community college and then transfer. save lots of $$ that way
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