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colleen colleen
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Posts: 17077
11 years ago
The liver is the primary producer of albumin. People with liver failure often show signs of extensive edema (tissue swelling). The edema occurs because fluid in the tissues is less likely to return to the blood due to a breakdown in the osmotic gradient that normally exists.

Based on this scenario, which of the following statements explains this phenomenon?
A) Albumin, which is not normally released by the liver, causes capillaries to become leaky and release fluid into the surrounding tissues.
B) Albumin, which is not normally released by the liver, causes an increase in blood pressure, which forces fluid into the tissues from the capillaries.
C) The failing liver releases more albumin into the blood than normal.
D) The failing liver releases less albumin into the blood than normal.
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Sunshine ☀ ☼
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11 years ago
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