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oceanriviera oceanriviera
Posts: 13
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12 years ago
I'm taking online classes to get my diploma because I dropped out of school. I do fine with everything, but I can't for the life of me understand biology or even pass one exam. I've read all of the material my instructions said and STILL failed my exams. I've even had my friend who is a college major in biology try to help me, and we couldn't get it.

This is one of my retakes, the other one I failed just as miserably again. Please help me.
Thank you.

1. In the human body, the _______ is a muscular membrane
that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity.
A. epiglottis C. diaphragm
B. esophagus D. bolus
2. In kidneys, the tiny tubules that produce urine are called
A. nephrons. C. the renal cortex.
B. the ureters. D. the renal medulla.
3. Which of these plant hormones hastens the ripening of fruit
and helps to cause the fall of leaves, flowers, and fruit?
A. Cytokinins C. Ethylene
B. Auxins D. Gibberellins
4. In the central nervous system, the _______ communicates
with and coordinates what happens in other parts of the brain.
A. cerebrum C. brain stem
B. cerebellum D. hypothalamus
5. In the body of a human or other complex organism, a group of similar cells performing
similar functions is called a/an
A. organ. C. organ system.
B. tissue. D. cell.
6. In the human body, which of the following is part of the axial skeleton?
A. Clavicle C. Sternum
B. Femur D. Ulna
7. The purpose of the cuticle in plants is to
A. minimize water loss. C. transport water.
B. provide support. D. support plant functions.
8. The colored part of the human eye is the
A. pupil. C. cornea.
B. retina. D. iris.
9. Which of these is a white blood cell?
A. Neutrophil C. Thrombocyte
B. Erythrocyte D. Hemoglobin
10. Which one of these eating disorders is more likely to affect men than women?
A. Bulimia nervosa C. Anorexia nervosa
B. Chronic dieting D. Muscle dysmorphia
11. The wood in the trunk and limbs of a tree is made up of
A. cork cambium. C. secondary xylem.
B. pith. D. phloem.
12. Which blood type has neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies?
A. A C. O
B. B D. AB
13. What part of the lower respiratory tract is made up of tiny air sacs where oxygen and
carbon dioxide are exchanged?
A. Bronchioles C. Trachea
B. Alveoli D. Larynx
14. All the systems of the body work together to keep the internal environment of the
body constant within certain limits. This process is called
A. homoeostasis. C. neuroglia.
B. positive feedback. D. homeopathy
15. What divides the human heart into a left and right side?
A. Aaorta C. Ventricles
B. Septum D. Atria
16. The main sex hormone in males is
A. estrogen. C. testosterone.
B. progesterone. D. luteum.
17. A plant sits on a window sill. Over time, the stems of the plant curve toward the light
coming in the window. This process is called
A. phototropism. C. gravitropism.
B. photoperiodism. D. phytochromism.
18. Which of these parts receive nerve impulses from the central nervous system, causing
muscle fibers to contract?
A. Interneurons C. Sensory neurons
B. Motor neurons D. Myelin sheaths
19. In the human immune system, the main function of the _______ is filtering blood.
A. thymus gland C. tonsils
B. spleen D. appendix
20. In flowering plants, which of these becomes the female gametophyte?
A. Microspore C. Pollen sacs
B. Pollen grains D. Megaspores
Read 828 times
3 Replies

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12 years ago
1- Diagphram
2- Nephrons
3- Ethylene
4- Cerebrum
5- Tissue
6- Sternum
7- Minimize water loss
8- Iris
9- Neutrophil
10- Muscle dysmorphia
11- Cork cambium
12- O-typed blood
13- Alveoli
14- Homeostasis
15- Septum
16- Testestrone
17- Phototrophism
18- Motor neurone
19- Spleen
20- Pollen sacs

i am confident about my answers.
Good Luck.
12 years ago
1. b
   i dont wanna guesss on the rest but let me know how u do!!
12 years ago
I think that it is unethical to provide answers to an entire homework assignment, but the medical student made a mistake with regard to blood types. The correct answer to question 12 is (D) AB

Type AB contains both A and B antigens and no anti-A or anti-B antibodies.
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