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datoledo88 datoledo88
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12 years ago
Hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG)?
Is it to late to take immune globulin (HBIG) if you were at risk for hepatits B after a month and a half . Would it do any good ?

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12 years ago
No.  After a month and a half, you would either have gotten hepatitis B or not.  Receiving immunoglobulins only protects you from an acute infection directly after exposure--it's temporary immunity and is recommended for use within 14 days of exposure.  But if you haven't developed the disease after six weeks, you're probably not going to get it.  If you're concerned that you may have hepatitis B, go to your doctor for some blood tests--they will be able to tell if you are infected.  Usually they don't give otherwise healthy adults any treatment, but they can follow you to be sure the virus clears.

What you can also do is to be vaccinated against hepatitis B so that there is a reduced risk for any future exposure.  Also realize that hep B is not casually transmitted--there needs to be an exchange of body fluids--and that more tha 95% of adults who do get hep B clear the virus naturally after the acute infection.  It's a very small minority who go on to be chronic carriers.
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