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bromonox bromonox
Posts: 1042
8 years ago
A small town in New Mexico discovers that a chemical plant outside of town recently learned that one of their underground pipelines had broken without their knowledge and had been leaking a toxic organic compound for over a month.  The spill occurred 5m below the surface in a sandstone above a thin shale bed in the local bedrock.  The beds are flat lying and this shale crops out 200m from the chemical plant.  The town gets is water from deep wells, about 300m deep.  What should the town worry about from this spill?
A) There is a threat by the company to move because they do not want to clean up the damage.
B) There is no immediate worry, but in the long term their city water will almost certainly be contaminated.
C) There is no threat to the city water, but there is a likely health threat when the chemical moves to the surface outcrops of the layers the spill occurred in.
D) There is an immediate threat of contamination of the city water supply.
Earth Science

Earth Science

Edition: 14th
Read 2681 times
5 Replies
Answer verified by a subject expert
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Posts: 1845
8 years ago
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bromonox Author
8 years ago
Grazie! (means thank you in Italian Face with Stuck-out Tongue)
Collegegirl7,  Kamann
7 years ago
what was the answer
7 years ago
There is no threat to the city water, but there is a likely health threat when the chemical moves to the surface outcrops of the layers the spill occurred in.
5 years ago
great answer
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