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drelog drelog
Posts: 2711
8 years ago
Given an environmental lapse rate of 5°C/1000 m and a dry adiabatic of 10°C, what would what would happen if unsaturated air that had a temperature of 25°C at the surface were forced to rise 2000 m in the air ?
A) It would be warmer than the air around it so it would keep rising.
B) It would be colder than the air around it so it would sink.
C) It would keep rising because it would be less dense than the surrounding air.
D) It would sink back to the surface because it was more dense than the surrounding air.
E) It would have the same temperature and density as the surrounding air so it would stay at that height.
Earth Science

Earth Science

Edition: 14th
Read 154 times
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ןnɟʎoɾ sʎɐʍן∀ Slight Smile
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8 years ago
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drelog Author
8 years ago
Everything checks out, respect
ןnɟʎoɾ sʎɐʍן∀ Slight Smile
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