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ilindsey05 ilindsey05
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11 years ago
describe the five steps in a bacteriophage lysis (cycle)?
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11 years ago
Diagram and description here:
11 years ago
1. Attachment - Virus attaches to the cell wall at a receptor site
2. Entry - The cell wall is weakened by the viral enzymes, and the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of the virus is injected into the host cell.
3. Replication - The DNA of the host cell is inactivated, and the viral DNA takes over making viral proteins and viral nucleic acid.
4. Assembly - Viral coats of protein (capsids) are assembled with the nucleic acids filling the cell with new virus particles.
5. Release - Enzymes dissolve the host cell membrane from within. THe cell then bursts open (cell lysis) and the newly formed virus particles are released, free to infect other bacterial cells.
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