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trin trin
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Posts: 466
11 years ago
Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question 1: The adequate stimulus for a Pacinian corpuscle is pressure or vibration on the skin. Which of the
following modalities will induce the largest amplitude receptor potential in the Pacinian corpuscle
Your answer : c. moderate-intensity pressure

Predict Question 2: The adequate stimuli for olfactory receptors are chemicals, typically odorant molecules. Which of the
following modalities will induce the largest amplitude receptor potential in the olfactory receptor?
Your answer : a. moderate-intensity chemical

Stop & Think Questions:
Why didn't the Pacinian corpuscle respond to high-intensity light?
You correctly answered: b. Light-transducing proteins are not present in the Pacinian corpuscle.

Judging from these results, does light have a smell?
You correctly answered: b. no

Why did the free nerve ending respond to several different modalities?
You correctly answered: c. The sensory end of this nerve is less specialized.
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