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slim16 slim16
Posts: 12
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7 years ago
  Analyze the collected date, and interpret the results obtained.

Hint:  Sometimes marks are awarded for stating that glucose changes color in the presence of Benedict's.  In this question there are no marks given for this explanation.  more detail is required.

Overtime the color changes of Beneditct's in the presence of glucose are from blue-green-yellow-orange-brick red, depending on the concentration.

Explain the results obtained.
5 marks:  Patient A (2 marks) Patient B (1 mark) Patient C (2 marks)

Note:  you are expected to detail  the role of insulin.

Explain means to give the cause of , make known in detail.  if you do not include what happens in  the liver you would lose marks.
-Identify the independent variable in this experiment
-Identify the dependent variable in this experiment
-Identify the controlled variables in this experiment.

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