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11 years ago
Should I like use Multiple books for MCAT prep. as in, finish practising from one book then grab a totallly different book (different publisher) and study from that etc.?
I really want to score high on the MCAT and I am willing to do almost anything. Some advice would be nice!~Thanks!
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4 Replies
11 years ago
I would take a prep class from Columbia or Kaplan.
11 years ago
That works fine. You only really need the classes if you are really bad with standardized tests or have trouble setting aside time to study, Otherwise they are a waste of money, and I work for Kaplan.
I just bought some Kaplan books from Borders and studied with them and my textbooks and took several practice tests. I got a 37Q. If it works for you do it, you can always take the test again.
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11 years ago
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11 years ago
I taught the Kaplan MCAT course twenty plus years ago after I took it. But for any test-taking, a preview of the type of questions and by default some of the anticipated questions is very helpful.
If I were taking the test again, I would invest in all of the current and old MCAT study materials I could find and plan on passing those on to the next poor soul that needs them after the test is over.  These resources are available to all test-takers and should not be overlooked. They are in no way cheating and do not suggest that using them would make you any less of  a doctor. It is better to know your limitations and find the necessary resources than trust your own knowledge and walk in unprepared for the type of questions.
I did not have that advantage when I took it. I don't know if the scoring is the same but I scored 2 15's a 12 and the rest 13's. I take all tests as an opportunity to learn something, I learned something on my MCAT (An average human body radiates about 100 watts of heat energy, It was the last question I answered, I could not remember the conversion factor for Joules to Watts so I had to go through gram-cm to ft-lbs to horsepower to watts by hand.)
Old Doc
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