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stars_and_moon stars_and_moon
Posts: 3218
7 years ago
Suppose the government wants to create a system against crime that has the lowest possible cost to the government and still reduces the crime rate.  Minimizing government costs is the only thing the government cares about.  Which of the following policies would accomplish this the best?
A) having a punishment for crime that exactly equals the cost of the crime plus the cost of apprehension and prosecution
B) imposing an extremely high penalty, such as the death sentence, for all crimes but not having very many police officers so the probability of getting caught and convicted is low
C) imposing an extremely high penalty, such as the death sentence, for all crimes and having a lot of police officers so the probability of getting caught and convicted is high
D) having low punishments for crime but having a lot of police officers so the probability of getting caught and convicted is high
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7 years ago
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