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Kanzu7 Kanzu7
Posts: 1
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7 years ago

i always had the impression that everything that people do is a result of egoism (a personal desire or need that has to be met). people would band together for personal gain. a social structure is only there to benefit from other people in some way (happiness out of friendship would be an emotional gain in this case and make people stick together for higher chances of survival or maybe even offspring).
is this true for people and many other species?

and if it is, what about hives of bees or ants? they seem to only serve the "greater good", each individual has its own function. there are workers, soldiers, a queen and so on. i cant see any egoism in those individuals. some ants even build bridges with their corpses over bodies of water so that other ants can pass. they dont seem to have any kind of ego. they only seem to exist for their queen or the hive as a whole.

would this imply that there are many different motivations for lifeforms? (egoism for humans and many other lifeforms opposed to a "hive-mentality" in bees and ants)

would it be wrong to say that egoism is the core of all living beings?

i am sorry for this strange text, im a bit confused about this topic and it also kind of shakes up my perception of our world and its reality. i always took egoism as the only thing to go with in life.
thanks in advance for any answers.
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