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fioravme09 fioravme09
Posts: 53
Rep: 1 0
11 years ago
I thought it would be diffusion, because wouldn't the higher concentration be in the sugar cube, diffusion going from high concentration to low. but this smart girl in my class said the water does osmosis into the sugar cube? but this other equally smart girl said i was right.
I'm really confused can someone help me?
and also generally how can you tell which has the higher concentration?
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11 years ago
I think that diffusion would occur, due to the higher concentration in the sugar cube.
11 years ago
There is the exact same question in"search for questions..."
just put "what happens when you put a sugar cube in water?"
11 years ago
yes diffusion wud occur! thats sooo weird we learned bout diffusion and osmosis 2day in class!!!
11 years ago
The sugar diffuses from regions of high concentration ( the sugar cube) into regions of low concentration ( the water ).
The water moves by osmosis from regions of high concentration ( the water ) to regions of low concentration ( the sugar cube. )

Its all just names.
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