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microman microman
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11 years ago
What's a Good Way to Remember Osmosis is the passage of water from low to high concentrations? And diffusion from high to low? (Please, correct me if i'm mistaken!)
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11 years ago
You're right.

Osmosis - OsLOWsis, low to high
Diffusion - HIGH-Diff (like High-Def), high to low

Between the two, Osmosis is the only word with a part which rhymes with low (mo), so I know it starts low and goes to high.  That also helps.

That's how I remembered, it's silly but worked for me.  Silly things are always good ways to remember.
11 years ago
Well, when I see them, I see that in "osmosis, it begins with O, which is in Low. And it ends with "sis" and there's an I in High.
Same with diffusion. The I is the second letter which could stand for high, and the o near the end could stand for low.

lOw-OsmosIs- hIgh

hIgh- dIffusiOn- lOw

Sorry if that's confusing. It's just what I picked up on by looking at it. Slight Smile
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