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Transgenic Rat Transgenic Rat
Posts: 15
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7 years ago
I don't understand this part of equation


Why are you multiplying H x A on top? Wouldn't you add H and A on top to find the proper concentration of these products?

Let's say h+ and A- are equal to .5 If you multiply .5 x .5 you get .25 which makes no sense since I now have less products even though I multiplied them?

Can someone help my logic please.
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Transgenic R. Author
7 years ago Edited: 7 years ago, Transgenic Rat
Ok, I'm not looking to SOLVE a problem. That picture you uploaded is just simple algebra of cancelling things out on each side of an equation without any explanation whatsoever.

 I want to understand why does Ka = H+ x A instead of adding H and A? I know H and A are the disassociated acid/base
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