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Smntnl Smntnl
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11 years ago
how can I compare the kidney's method of removing toxins with the renal dialysis method?
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11 years ago
I don't really know your aims and objectives so I can only presume you are writing an essay about the difference between normal filtration and renal dialysis.

Since there are two major types of dialysis you should write a few paragraphs on each one, taking into consideration how both forms of dialysis work and the arguments (pros and cons) for using each one from a patients point of view.

Then finally talk about how the kidney works. You should keep this fairly brief, within the requirements of the essay, and then finally in your conclusion, compare the major differences between kidney filtration and renal dialysis.

I don't know if you are medical or high school student but try to keep things clinically relevant. e.g. What is particularly amazing about the kidneys?
11 years ago
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