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Leon.g Leon.g
Posts: 32
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11 years ago

Only the component of the force acting in the direction parallel to the object?s motion is used to calculate work.


The applied force is greater when the angle between the direction of the force and the motion of the object are at right angles.


The applied force is weakest when the angle between the direction of the force and the motion of the object are in line.


Only the component of the force acting in the direction perpendicular to the object?s motion is used to calculate work.

I've tried researching this for a while yet I still can't understand. Help please?
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3 Replies
11 years ago
Oh come now...this is predicated on knowing the work function.  If you are studying work and haven't yet learned the physics, how can you expect to answer the questions?

Find the definition of work function.  Use the web if you can't locate it in your text or workbook.  This is really simple stuff here, you best learn it.

I'll give you a hint:  Work = force F X distance S the force acts over.  In math talk that's Q = FS cos(theta) where theta is the angle subtended by F and S vectors.  Learn this and you can answer this and similar questions.
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Posts: 18
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11 years ago
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11 years ago
B is the answer the formula for work is W=F dot d,

The dot product means that the whole formula is W=Fd cosx
when x the angle of rotation is at 90 degrees to object cosx=1 because cos 90= 1 when the angle is less or more than 90 the force decreases if the angle (x) is 180 or 0 (same direction as object) the force is 0 because cos0=0 and cos180=0 think of a cosine curve.
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