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Aleja Aleja
Posts: 104
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6 years ago
1. All of the following statements about arguments are true except:
a. Arguments can be defined as civilized discussions in which people express different
viewpoints about a topic.
b. The term argument, as used in academic reading and writing, has a negative connotation.
c. In college-level reading, an argument is a well-researched piece of writing that offers good
reasons to support a particular viewpoint.
d. A single issue may have many arguments associated with it.

2. An argument must include all of the following except:
a. an issue.
b. a claim.
c. refutation.
d. support.

3. The claim is the part of an argument in which the writer
a. describes a problem or controversy.
b. takes a position on an issue.
c. offers reasons and evidence.
d. attempts to disprove opposing viewpoints.

4. Reading an argument effectively involves
a. reading the argument for an initial impression and then again for specific information.
b. annotating and highlighting as you read.
c. diagramming or mapping to analyze the argument’s structure.
d. all of the above.

5. The process of finding weaknesses in an opponent’s argument is called
a. inference.
b. refutation.
c. association.
d. begging the question.

6. The emotional appeal called ad hominem involves
a. attacking the holder of an opposing viewpoint rather than his or her viewpoint.
b. associating a product, idea, or position with others that are already highly regarded.
c. indicating that a product or idea originated from or is bought by ordinary citizens.
d. using the opinion or action of a well-known or famous person.

7. An argument stating that one thing or idea is better or more desirable than another is called a claim of
a. value.
b. policy.
c. fact.
d. reason.

8. Anyone who opposes a light-rail system between downtown and the airport is not truly interested in solving our traffic woes.
a. circular reasoning
b. hasty generalization
c. false cause
d. either-or-fallacy

9. Our pediatrician is an excellent physician because she is bilingual.
a. circular reasoning
b. hasty generalization
c. non sequitur
d. false cause

10. Both of my design professors last year were quite eccentric; artists are just odd people.
a. circular reasoning
b. hasty generalization
c. red herring
d. false cause
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Reading and Writing About Contemporary Issues
Answer verified by a subject expert
Posts: 83
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago Edited: 6 years ago, bio_man
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