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Angela39 Angela39
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13 years ago
Can someone help me with this lab, last lab of the semester. I really need help bad

Introduction: In this lab we will learn how the kidney processes blood and produces urine.
Activity 1: Investigating the Effect of Flow Tube Radius on Glomerular filtration.
Data/Results: Please submit a chart or type your data.
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. What effect does increasing the afferent radius have on glomerular filtration rate and pressure?
2. What effect will decreasing the efferent radius have on glomerular filtration rate?
In this Activity, I learned/observed that:  Please write at least 2-3 sentences of what you learned or observed in complete sentences.
Activity 2: Studying the Effect of Pressure on Glomerular Filtration
Data/Results: Please submit a chart or type your data.
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. What effect does increasing the beak pressure have on glomerular filtration rate and pressure?
2. In the absence of any regulatory mechanisms, what effect do you think an increase in blood pressure would have on glomerular filtration rate?
In this Activity, I learned/observed that:  Please write at least 2-3 sentences of what you learned or observed in complete sentences.
Activity 3: Exploring Intrinsic Controls: Renal Autoregulation
Data/Results: Please submit a chart or type your data.
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. In the body, what mechanisms play a role in maintaining glomerular filtration rate with fluctuating blood pressure?
2. What was the glomerular filtration rate at 80mmHg beaker pressure, 0.55 mm afferent radius, and 0.45 mm efferent radius?
In this Activity, I learned/observed that:  Please write at least 2-3 sentences of what you learned or observed in complete sentences.
Activity 4: Exploring the role of the Solute Gradient on Maximum Urine Concentration Achievable
Data/Results: Please submit a chart or type your data.
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. When you increase the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid, what happened to the concentration of the urine?
2. Does the volume of urine increase or decrease as the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid is increased?
3. What is the maximum osmolality of the interstitial fluid?
4. What factors result in dilute urine?
In this Activity, I learned/observed that:  Please write at least 2-3 sentences of what you learned or observed in complete sentences.
Activity 5: Studying the Effects of Glucose Carrier Proteins on Glucose Reabsorption
Data/Results: Please submit a chart or type your data.
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1.   Why would we expect to find glucose in the urine of a diabetic person?
2.   What happens to the concentration of glucose in the urine as the number of glucose carriers increased?
3.   What is the renal threshold of glucose? Please explain why this is important.
In this Activity, I learned/observed that:  Please write at least 2-3 sentences of what you learned or observed in complete sentences.
Activity 6: Testing the Effect of Hormones on Urine Formation
Data/Results: Please submit a chart or type your data.
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. How does Aldosterone and ADH affect urine volume?
2. If you are dehydrated, what hormones are stimulated? Explain the physiology behind the hormones being stimulated (blood volume or blood pressure) and refer to your text if necessary.
3. Why did the concentration of potassium change in the presence of ADH without a change in the excretion of potassium?
4. There are two forms of diabetes insipidus. Please discuss both (one that affects the posterior pituitary and the other effects the kidney). What type of urine is produced? How are the forms of Diabetes insipidus treated?
In this Activity, I learned/observed that:  Please write at least 2-3 sentences of what you learned or observed in complete sentences.

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13 years ago
when is this due ?
Angela39 Author
13 years ago
Sunday night 12am the last one of the semester can you help me out?
13 years ago Edited: 13 years ago, Ryxxi
Hi, I attached the word document below with completed answers as well. Enjoy!

Except I havent been able to complete:
3. What is the maximum osmolality of the interstitial fluid? and

How are the forms of Diabetes insipidus treated?

Introduction: In this lab we will learn how the kidney processes blood and produces urine.
Activity 1: Investigating the Effect of Flow Tube Radius on Glomerular filtration.

Afferent Radius:   Efferent Radius:   Beaker Pressure:   Glomerular Pressure:   Glomerular Filtrate Rate:   Urine Volume:
 .35   .40   90   47.16   26.74   145.57
 .40   .40   90   49.54   56.28   190.18
 .45   .40   90   52.57   93.82   213.92
.50   .40   90   56.10   137.69   227.49
.55   .40   90   59.94   185.24   235.69
.60   .40   90   63.83   233.45   240.89
.35   .35   90   47.88   35.75   197.97
              .35   .30   90   48.38   41.85   234.51
.35                 .25   90   48.68   45.65   257.69
.35                .20   90   48.85   47.77   270.78
.35                .15            
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. What effect does increasing the afferent radius have on glomerular filtration rate and pressure?
A: When the Radius of the afferent tube is increased the glomerular filtration rate and pressure increase.
2. What effect will decreasing the efferent radius have on glomerular filtration rate?
A: Decreasing the efferent radius  will increase the glomerular filtration rate.
In this Activity, I learned/observed that:  In this activity I have learnt that The radius of the afferent and efferent tubes plays a crucial role in the formation and volume of urine due to the control of Glomerular filtration rate and pressure.
Activity 2: Studying the Effect of Pressure on Glomerular Filtration

Afferent Radius:   Efferent Radius:   Beaker Pressure:   Glomerular Pressure:   Glomerular Filtrate Rate:   Urine Volume:
 .55   .45   70   51.96   86.37   183.17
 .55   .45   80   55.45   129.61   201.96
 .55   .45   90   58.94   172.86   212.87
.55   .45   100   62.43   216.10   220.00

Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. What effect does increasing the beak pressure have on glomerular filtration rate and pressure?
A: Increasing the beak pressure increases the glomerular filtration rate and pressure.
2. In the absence of any regulatory mechanisms, what effect do you think an increase in blood pressure would have on glomerular filtration rate?
A: In the absence of any regulatory mechanisms, an increase in blood pressure would increase the glomerular filtration rate.
In this Activity, I learned/observed that:  In this activity I have learnt that a regulator mechanism that controls the blood pressure is essential for the proper and optimal functioning of the renal system, uncontrolled blood flow into the glomerulus can have adverse effects , just like we use a gas valve and a regulator in a gas cylinder to control the pressure of gas flow.
Activity 3: Exploring Intrinsic Controls: Renal Auto regulation
Afferent Radius:   Efferent Radius:   Beaker Pressure:   Glomerular Pressure:   Glomerular Filtrate Rate:   Urine Volume:
 .55   .45   100   62.43   216.10   220.00
 .55   .45   80   55.45   129.61   201.96
 .55   .45   85   57.20   151.24   208.05
.50   .35   85   55.44   129.47   245.28

Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. In the body, what mechanisms play a role in maintaining glomerular filtration rate with fluctuating blood pressure?
A: In the body, the Afferent and efferent Arteriole mechanisms play a role in maintaining glomerular filtration rate with fluctuating blood pressure.
2. What was the glomerular filtration rate at 80mmHg beaker pressure, 0.55 mm afferent radius, and 0.45 mm efferent radius?
A: The glomerular filtration rate at 80mmHg beaker pressure, 0.55 mm afferent radius, and 0.45 mm efferent radius was around 129.
In this Activity, I learned/observed that:  In this activity I have learnt that the Afferent and efferent arterioles play an important role in the blood flow control and the blood pressure into the glomerulus by auto regulation, when the blood pressure changes.
Activity 4: Exploring the role of the Solute Gradient on Maximum Urine Concentration Achievable
Glucose concentration:   Potassium concentration:   Urine volume:   Urine concentration:   Concentration Gradient:   Aldosterone:   ADH:
6.00   15.59   80.57   300   300   absent   present
6.00   31.19   40.28   600   600   absent   present
6.00   46.78   26.86   900   900   ab   pr
6.00   62.37   20.14   1200   1200   ab   pr

Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. When you increase the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid, what happened to the concentration of the urine?
A: When you increase the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid, the concentration of the urine increases.
2. Does the volume of urine increase or decrease as the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid is increased?
A: The volume of urine decreases as the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid is increased.
3. What is the maximum osmolality of the interstitial fluid?
4. What factors result in dilute urine?
A:  The factors that result in dilute urine are low potassium concentrations, low concentration gradient and low urine concentration.
In this Activity, I learned/observed that:  A: In this activity I have learnt that the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid changes the urine concentration and its volume when there is ADH, which increases the urine concentration.
Activity 5: Studying the Effects of Glucose Carrier Proteins on Glucose Reabsorption
Glucose carriers:   Glucose concentration:   Potassium concentration:   Urine volume:   Urine concentration:   Concentration Gradient:   Aldosterone:   ADH:
100   4.29   6.25   201.00   100   1200   ab   ab
200   2.57   6.25   201.00   100   1200   ab   ab
300   .86   6.25   201.00   100   1200   ab   ab
400   0.00   6.25   201.00   100   1200   ab   ab
500   0.00   6.25   201.00   100   1200   ab   ab
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1.   Why would we expect to find glucose in the urine of a diabetic person?
A: We would expect to find glucose in the urine of a diabetic person because there amount of glucose present in the blood is more than the number of glucose carriers, hence the excessive glucose which cannot be transported by the glucose carriers is eliminated through urine.
2.   What happens to the concentration of glucose in the urine as the number of glucose carriers increased?
A: As the number of glucose carrier’s increase, the concentration of glucose in the urine decreases.
3.   What is the renal threshold of glucose? Please explain why this is important.
A: In the first part of the renal tubule, the proximal convoluted tubule, glucose is reabsorbed from the filtrate, across the tubular epithelium and into the bloodstream. The proximal convoluted tubule can only reabsorb a limited amount of glucose. When the blood glucose level exceeds about 160 – 180 mg/dl, the proximal tubule becomes overwhelmed and begins to excrete glucose in the urine. This point is called the renal threshold of glucose (RTG), this is important to diagnose diabetes and control the amount of glucose in the blood and urine as excessive glucose excretion can damage the functioning of the kidneys.
In this Activity, I learned/observed that:  In this activity I have learnt that, the presence of ADH in the blood changes the urine concentrations, the concentration gradient and solute concentrations. It is also important to control blood glucose levels to prevent diabetes, a disease in which the failure rate of certain organs in increased.
Activity 6: Testing the Effect of Hormones on Urine Formation
Glucose concentration:   Potassium concentration:   Urine volume:   Urine concentration:   Concentration Gradient:   Aldosterone:   ADH:
0.00   6.25   201.00   100   1200   ab   ab
0.00   10.42   180.90   100   1200   Pr   Ab
0.00   62.37   20.14   1200   1200   Ab   Pr
Questions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences and explain your answers.
1. How does Aldosterone and ADH affect urine volume?
A: Aldosterone reduces Urine volume by 10% whereas ADH reduces urine volume by 80%.
2. If you are dehydrated, what hormones are stimulated? Explain the physiology behind the hormones being stimulated (blood volume or blood pressure) and refer to your text if necessary.
A: When dehydrated, the hormones ADH and aldosterone are stimulated to conserve water and maintain blood volume levels in the body, these hormones increase the permeability of the distal and collecting tubules allowing water to re enter the interstitial fluid and increase the solute concentration in the urine.
3. Why did the concentration of potassium change in the presence of ADH without a change in the excretion of potassium?
A: The concentration of potassium changed in the presence of ADH because when the water from the urine was allowed to be re absorbed the activity of potassium pump was increased allowing more of it to enter the urine.
4. There are two forms of diabetes insipidus. Please discuss both (one that affects the posterior pituitary and the other effects the kidney). What type of urine is produced? How are the forms of Diabetes insipidus treated?
A: The two forms of diabetes insipidus are:
1)Neurogenic: Neurogenic diabetes insipidus, more commonly known as central diabetes insipidus, is due to a lack of vasopressin(ADH) production in the brain.
 2) Nephrogenic: Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is due to the inability of the kidney to respond normally to vasopressin(ADH).
It is characterized by excessive thirst and excretion of large amounts of severely diluted urine.
In this Activity, I learned/observed that:  In this activity I have learnt that Hormones play an important role in proper renal system functioning, how the urine forms, its concentration etc.
 Attached file 
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Angela39 Author
13 years ago
I want to thank you so much for this last lab I did some and compared my answers and some were ok. I didnt know how to summarize them with them pretty much saying the same thing. thanks again this might have helped me pass the lab protion of my class. I will add answers to those that need help. well they have the whole thing right there. Thanks again
13 years ago
Great contributions, Ryxxi. Pure team work from people all across the globe, incredible.
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