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greer greer
Posts: 800
6 years ago
Based on public opinion polls, which of the following statements best describes people's views on the inclusion of moral education in the curriculum?
A) Public opinion polls indicate that most people believe that morals and values, such as honesty, tolerance, and fairness should taught in the home, and these polls indicate that people believe that teaching morals and values should not be part of the school curriculum.
B) Public opinion polls indicate that most people believe that teaching morals and values, such as honesty, tolerance, and fairness, should be part of the curriculum, but the people disagree about how the morals and values should be taught.
C) Public opinion polls indicate that most people believe that morals and values, such as honesty, tolerance and fairness should be in integral part of the curriculum, and they should be explicitly taught, emphasized, and rewarded.
D) Public opinion polls indicate that the vast majority of people favor teaching values, such as honesty, tolerance, and fairness, and they should be developed with a curriculum emphasizing moral reasoning.
Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional

Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional

Edition: 5th
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6 years ago
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