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5 years ago
Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.

1)  Experts hold that current formulas for achievement accountability are based on complicated notions of teaching and learning.

2)  Classroom events tend to be simultaneous and rapidly paced.

3)  One refreshing finding from research is that, despite the fact that teaching is difficult, there is a prescribed set of steps that can be followed to ensure student success.

4)  Inclusive and responsive teachers can be identified by the unstructured learning environments they advocate. 

5)  The No Child Left Behind Act has thus far has demonstrated strong effects in lessening achievement gaps on national tests.

6)  Although the No Child Left Behind Act requires Adequate Yearly Progress for a school overall, it is silent on required progress for subgroups of the student population.

7)  The closest synonym for the term teaching is telling.

8)  Despite its wealth, students in the United States face patterns of inequities, such as the Digital Divide.

9)  Research documents that teachers' preparation and expertise affect student achievement.

10)  Although technology influences our society at large, its influence largely stops at the classroom door, given inadequate funding and bureaucratic barriers.


11) The chapter argues that teaching is complex for all of the following reasons EXCEPT ______.
A) we are often unsure of our effects on students
B) families sometimes unwittingly do not tell us what we need to know about students' background experiences
C) we cannot predict how students will respond to a lesson
D) we pursue many--and often conflicting--goals

12) The No Child Left Behind Act requires all of the following EXCEPT ______.
A) annual achievement increases  for students with disabilities
B) instruction and assessment based on content standards
C) advanced teacher training in pedagogy (methods) 
D) annual assessment of students in grades 3 through 8 in literacy and mathematics

13) A documented positive effect of the No Child Left Behind Act is
A) an expansion of the content students learn in school.
B) better use of student assessment data to plan instruction and meet needs.
C) increases in teacher morale, particularly in high poverty schools.
D) "gaming practices" wherein school personnel clearly meet achievement targets.

14) The chapter argues that circles of influence affect what happens in classrooms.  Which of the following is true about those circles of influence?
A) Given the federal constitution, legislation has a limited effect on classroom events.
B) Broader historical events continue to influence what happens in individual classrooms.
C) The pressures of outward rings inward are increasingly restrictive and odious to teachers.
D) Because they are employed by the state, public school teachers are expected to implement influences from the outer circles without exerting influence themselves.

15) The chapter describes an opportunity gap as being experienced by students from ______.
A) poorly funded schools
B) single-family homes
C) non-English speaking backgrounds
D) schools with high computer-to-student ratios

16) Teachers have the same rights as other citizens, but their private conduct is  ______.
A) held to an entirely different set of standards
B) often grounds for automatic dismissal
C) held to a higher standard
D) not a matter of legal concern

17) A teacher strives to ensure that students focus their attention, act on data, store it in memory, and recall it as needed.  This teacher is working within which approach to human learning?
A) constructivism
B)  information processing
C) behaviorism
D)  multiple intelligence theory

18) The major goal of teaching is change for
A) society
B) the learner
C) the AYP
D) the school

19) According to a variety of sources, standards for teaching effectiveness require teachers do all of the following EXCEPT ______.
A) serve as model citizens
B) understand human diversity
C) create humane and productive learning environments
D) plan meaningful instruction

20) Of technology in our society, it is fair to say that ______.
A) in schools, boys have greater access to computers than girls
B) young students are rarely exposed to computer-based technology at school
C) learners' expectations for how they receive and process information go unchanged
D) schools serve as an equalizing factor
Source  K-12 Classroom Teaching: A Primer for New Professionals, 4/e
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