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juanitotyler juanitotyler
Posts: 3
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11 years ago
Why can't someone build the Wardenclyffe Tower and see if Nikola Tesla was right?.
If he was right, Then we all can have free power!.
They also said the earth was flat and there were 100% WRONG.
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11 years ago
No, he was not right. No such thing as free power.

But feel free to hire a contractor and build your own.
11 years ago
I still think today that Tesla was the top thinker of any time period. The guy had a incredible grasp of electrical fields when there was no books around to study from in this area. I mean where do you come up with not only alternating current, but how to make a induction motor? This guy made Edison look like a 2nd grader.

Here is a great quote from him after his idea about the Wardenclyffe Tower:

"It is not a dream, it is a simple feat of scientific electrical engineering, only expensive ? blind, faint-hearted, doubting world! [...] Humanity is not yet sufficiently advanced to be willingly led by the discoverer's keen searching sense. But who knows? Perhaps it is better in this present world of ours that a revolutionary idea or invention instead of being helped and patted, be hampered and ill-treated in its adolescence ? by want of means, by selfish interest, pedantry, stupidity and ignorance; that it be attacked and stifled; that it pass through bitter trials and tribulations, through the strife of commercial existence. So do we get our light. So all that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combatted, suppressed ? only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle."? "The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires as a Means for Furthering Peace," Electrical World and Engineer, January 7, 1905

I don't know why a lot of todays best brains always seem to doubt that nothing new can be invented and that things that border on perpetual motion are equated to believing in astrology. I have seen scientist after scientist scoff at cold fusion, magnet motors, perpetual motion, speeds beyond light speed and basically anything out their own thought processes.

But these same guys can't answer why is we think we know the origins of the universe and how everything was formed, but yet we can't take the chemicals we know are in a virus and grow a virus strand from scratch. Can't even make one cell, let alone an organism yet they have all the answers to the universe.

I have some magnets I bought in 1982. They are still almost as strong 30 years later.  They have a very strong magnetic field. I know it takes energy to make a magnetic field when you make a electromagnet and that if I hooked up a battery it would go dead trying to maintain that magnetic field...but a simple permanent magnet can maintain a field for 100 years or more. I call that perpetual energy and think someday we will find a way of extracting that energy when we figure out where it is coming from.

 But there are plenty more who say "Idiot, a magnet does no work because work = force x distance and no distance implies no work so therefore we just proved a magnet motor can't work"

Good thing a lot of inventors never read the press and realized they were idiots before they even started. Don't get me started on cold fusion...so many joked about it even though had no facts to back up why it couldn't work only facts as to there was no neutrons released therefore it can't be fusion. In their minds only chemical and nuclear reactions can create energy ...no possible way their might be other things we haven't discovered.

And then the Wardenclyffe Tower . Guys with 1/100th the knowledge of Tesla scoff at some of his ideas, this one included and think it is a joke going back to the "can't get more energy from something than you put in it" and that being the sole physics equation they remember that can't possibly be refuted.

But Tesla didn't say this was creating more energy than it used. He just said it might be getting energy from the static charges in the air (same thing that makes lightning) and the earth's magnetic field. Since the earth rotates and possibly the magnetic field doesn't rotate at the same speed, there could be energy generated from this moving magnetic field that his tower picks up.

Even the Tesla coil appears to give back more energy than is put it to it. I think Tesla ran out of time or ot tired of fighting people because I think most of his ideas could of been really developed especially with the brain power he had.
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