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XtremeOc XtremeOc
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7 years ago
Men engage in more laissez-faire leadership than women.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference: 333
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.11 Describe gender differences in leadership and explain why women are underrepresented in leadership roles in organizations.

213) Of the Big Five dimensions of personality, extraversion and conscientiousness are the most consistent predictors of leadership effectiveness.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference: 308
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.2 Explain and critically evaluate the “trait theory of leadership.”

214) Management by exception is the degree to which the leader takes corrective action on the basis of results of leader-follower transactions.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 322
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.7 Describe “transactional” and “transformational leadership” and their consequences.

215) Women leaders have been found to be more participative and transformational than men leaders.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 333
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.11 Describe gender differences in leadership and explain why women are underrepresented in leadership roles in organizations.

217) Leader reward behaviour involves providing employees with compliments, tangible benefits, and deserved special treatment.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 312
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.3 Describe the following leadership behaviours and their consequences: “consideration,” “initiating structure,” “leader reward,” and “leader punishment.”

218) Leader reward and punishment behaviours are related to employee attitudes and behaviours because they lead to more positive perceptions of justice and lower role ambiguity.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 313
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.3 Describe the following leadership behaviours and their consequences: “consideration,” “initiating structure,” “leader reward,” and “leader punishment.”

219) The Vroom and Jago decision tree specifies the degree of participation that a leader should use to make various work decisions.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 319
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.5 Discuss participative leadership and how and when to use “participative leadership” using the Vroom and Jago model.

220) The most important component of transformational leadership is charisma.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 323
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.7 Describe “transactional” and “transformational leadership” and their consequences.

221) Transformational leaders exhibit consideration for employees, but it is individualized consideration.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 323
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.7 Describe “transactional” and “transformational leadership” and their consequences.

222) According to implicit leadership theory, individuals hold a set of beliefs about the kinds of attributes, personality characteristics, skills, and behaviours that contribute to or impede outstanding leadership.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 331
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.10 Discuss the GLOBE project and explain the role that culture plays in leadership effectiveness.

223) Intelligence and dominance are possible examples of leadership traits.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 308
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.2 Explain and critically evaluate the “trait theory of leadership.”

224) The global leadership dimension from the GLOBE project that focuses on ensuring the safety and security of the individual is known as self-protective.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference: 332
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.10 Discuss the GLOBE project and explain the role that culture plays in leadership effectiveness.

225) The global leadership dimension from the GLOBE project known as autonomous refers to independent and individualistic leadership.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference: 332
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.10 Discuss the GLOBE project and explain the role that culture plays in leadership effectiveness.

226) “Leaders are born, not made” is a statement that suggests that the speaker believes in the trait theory of leadership.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 308
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.2 Explain and critically evaluate the “trait theory of leadership.”

227) In the Vroom and Jago leadership decision tree, “C” solutions are consultative solutions.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 319
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.5 Discuss participative leadership and how and when to use “participative leadership” using the Vroom and Jago model.

228) The Vroom and Jago decision tree shows the fastest approach possible that still maintains decision quality and commitment.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 321
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.5 Discuss participative leadership and how and when to use “participative leadership” using the Vroom and Jago model.

229) In Fiedler's Contingency Theory of leadership, the variable upon which leadership style is contingent is situational favourableness.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 314
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.4 Describe and evaluate the following situational theories of leadership: Fiedler's contingency theory, cognitive resource theory, and House's path-goal theory.

230) Living in a multicultural environment like Canada is excellent preparation for being a global manager.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 326
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.8 Discuss “global leadership” and describe the characteristics of global leaders.

231) In Fiedler's Contingency Theory, LPC stands for Least Preferred co-worker.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 313
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.4 Describe and evaluate the following situational theories of leadership: Fiedler's contingency theory, cognitive resource theory, and House's path-goal theory.

232) Female leaders tend to have a more participative leadership style than male leaders.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 333
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.11 Describe gender differences in leadership and explain why women are underrepresented in leadership roles in organizations.

233) The transformational leader decisively changes the beliefs and attitudes of followers to correspond to his or her new vision.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 322
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.7 Describe “transactional” and “transformational leadership” and their consequences.

234) Fiedler's Contingency Theory of leadership prescribes a(n) relationship orientation when the situation is of medium favourableness for the leader.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 315
Skill: Applied
Objective: 9.4 Describe and evaluate the following situational theories of leadership: Fiedler's contingency theory, cognitive resource theory, and House's path-goal theory.

235) Authentic leadership comprises four main dimensions: self-awareness, relational transparency, balanced processing, and internalized moral perspective.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference: 329
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.9 Discuss the new and emerging theories of leadership including “empowering leadership,” “ethical leadership,” “authentic leadership,” and “servant leadership.”

236) The fastest leader decision style in the Vroom and Jago decision tree is the AI style.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 321
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.5 Discuss participative leadership and how and when to use “participative leadership” using the Vroom and Jago model.

237) In the Vroom and Jago decision tree, letting the group decide with the leader's guidance is a(n) GII style.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 319
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.5 Discuss participative leadership and how and when to use “participative leadership” using the Vroom and Jago model.

238) A low LPC leader is task oriented.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 313
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.4 Describe and evaluate the following situational theories of leadership: Fiedler's contingency theory, cognitive resource theory, and House's path-goal theory.

239) Strategic leaders work with others to initiate changes that will create a viable future for the organization.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 307
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.1 Define “leadership” and discuss the role of formal leadership in organizations.

240) Leadership theories that argue that the most appropriate leadership style depends on the task, employees, or other similar factors are called situational theories of leadership.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 313
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.4 Describe and evaluate the following situational theories of leadership: Fiedler's contingency theory, cognitive resource theory, and House's path-goal theory.

241) The most powerful strategy for developing global leaders is work experience, transfers, and overseas assignments.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference: 326
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.8 Discuss “global leadership” and describe the characteristics of global leaders.

242) The focus of leader-member exchange theory is the quality of the relationship that develops between a leader and an employee.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 321
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.6 Describe and evaluate “leader-member exchange (LMX) theory.”

243) For decades, the glass ceiling has been the metaphor that has described the invisible barrier to women's advancement to senior leadership positions in organizations.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 334
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.11 Describe gender differences in leadership and explain why women are underrepresented in leadership roles in organizations.

244) For many years, the glass ceiling metaphor was used to describe the invisible barrier to women's advancement to senior leadership positions in organizations. Recently, a new and likely more accurate metaphor is a labyrinth because of the many twists, turns, detours, and dead ends that women encounter.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 334
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.11 Describe gender differences in leadership and explain why women are underrepresented in leadership roles in organizations.

245) Research on leadership has focused on traits associated with demographics, task competence, and interpersonal attributes.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 308
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.2 Explain and critically evaluate the “trait theory of leadership.”

246) All five of the Big Five dimensions of personality have been found to be related to leadership emergence, and success, extraversion, and conscientiousness are the most consistent predictors of leadership effectiveness.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 308
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.2 Explain and critically evaluate the “trait theory of leadership.”

247) Research indicates that leader behaviours have a greater impact on leadership effectiveness than leader traits.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 309
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.2 Explain and critically evaluate the “trait theory of leadership.”

248) LMX theory is a social exchange relationship-based approach to leadership.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 321
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.6 Describe and evaluate “leader-member exchange (LMX) theory.”

249) The basis for the effects of LMX is social exchange theory.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 321
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.6 Describe and evaluate “leader-member exchange (LMX) theory.”

250) Overall, research indicates that the best leaders are both transformational and transactional.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 325
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.7 Describe “transactional” and “transformational leadership” and their consequences.

251) With empowering leadership, employees experience a state of psychological empowerment.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 327
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.9 Discuss the new and emerging theories of leadership including “empowering leadership,” “ethical leadership,” “authentic leadership,” and “servant leadership.”

252) The state of psychological empowerment consists of meaning, competence, self-determination, and  impact.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 327
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.9 Discuss the new and emerging theories of leadership including “empowering leadership,” “ethical leadership,” “authentic leadership,” and “servant leadership.”

253) Boeing’s CEO Jim McNerney is a good example of a(n) ethical leader.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference: 328
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.9 Discuss the new and emerging theories of leadership including “empowering leadership,” “ethical leadership,” “authentic leadership,” and “servant leadership.”

254) Authentic leadership has been found to have a positive effect on the psychological capital of work groups in a large bank.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference: 330
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.9 Discuss the new and emerging theories of leadership including “empowering leadership,” “ethical leadership,” “authentic leadership,” and “servant leadership.”

255) A servant leader is somebody who wants to serve first and lead second.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 330
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.9 Discuss the new and emerging theories of leadership including “empowering leadership,” “ethical leadership,” “authentic leadership,” and “servant leadership.”

256) Servant leadership is a form of leadership that involves going beyond one’s own self-interests and having a genuine concern to serve others and a motivation to lead.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 330
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.9 Discuss the new and emerging theories of leadership including “empowering leadership,” “ethical leadership,” “authentic leadership,” and “servant leadership.”

257) The focus of servant leadership is a concern for the needs of followers and their well-being.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference: 330
Skill: Recall
Objective: 9.9 Discuss the new and emerging theories of leadership including “empowering leadership,” “ethical leadership,” “authentic leadership,” and “servant leadership.”

258) After becoming the CEO of a large financial company, the CEO told a journalist that humility and stewardship are important components of his leadership style because he is a servant leader.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference: 330
Skill: Applied
Objective: 9.9 Discuss the new and emerging theories of leadership including “empowering leadership,” “ethical leadership,” “authentic leadership,” and “servant leadership.”

259) Describe the trait theory of leadership and discuss the main research findings on leadership traits and leader effectiveness.
Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at Work

Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at Work

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