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SinanToma SinanToma
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6 years ago
The tendency for managers in separate functions or departments to differ in terms of goals, time spans, and interpersonal styles is called differentiation.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:496
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.1 Define “organizational structure” and explain how it corresponds to division of labour.

186) At Roman Company, all sales people are in one sales department, all production people are in one production department, and all R&D people are in one R&D department. Roman obviously uses functional departmentation.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:497
Skill: Applied
Objective: 14.2 Discuss the relative merits of various forms of “departmentation.”

187) The structural characteristic of centralization is most obvious when we see all decisions made at the top of an organization.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:506
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.4 Discuss the nature and consequences of “traditional structural characteristics.”

188) Celine was shocked to find that she had twenty-five employees in her new supervisory job. She hadn't realized that her span of control would be so large.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:504
Skill: Applied
Objective: 14.4 Discuss the nature and consequences of “traditional structural characteristics.”

189) The process of coordinating differentiated departments is called integration.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:503
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.3 Review the more basic and more elaborate means of achieving organizational “coordination.”

190) The coordination of tasks via extensive informal communication is called mutual adjustment.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:502
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.3 Review the more basic and more elaborate means of achieving organizational “coordination.”

191) The company Gigantico Computers has separate hardware and software divisions. It is probably structured using product departmentation.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:498
Skill: Applied
Objective: 14.2 Discuss the relative merits of various forms of “departmentation.”

192) A manufacturing company had myriad rules, regulations, and procedures, all detailed in thick operations manuals. Structurally, it was highly formalized.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:505
Skill: Applied
Objective: 14.4 Discuss the nature and consequences of “traditional structural characteristics.”

193) In general, bigger organizations are more decentralized and formalized.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:516
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.7 Review important considerations concerning “downsizing.”

194) Speaking broadly, terms such as formalization, centralization, tight control, and bureaucracy are associated with mechanistic structures.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:508
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.5 Explain the distinction between “organic” and “mechanistic” structures.

195) The classical organizational theorists were advocates of a form of organizational structure that might be summarized as mechanistic.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:508
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.5 Explain the distinction between “organic” and “mechanistic” structures.

196). Holding total organization size constant, flatter organizations have larger spans of control.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:505
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.4 Discuss the nature and consequences of “traditional structural characteristics.”

197) Although Cyclops Limited had several functions located only at world headquarters, sales and production were located in several geographic regions. This form of departmentation is called hybrid.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:501
Skill: Applied
Objective: 14.2 Discuss the relative merits of various forms of “departmentation.”

198) A(n) task force is a temporary group set up to solve coordination problems across departments.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:504
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.3 Review the more basic and more elaborate means of achieving organizational “coordination.”

199) The larger the span, the less potential there is for coordination by direct supervision.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:504
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.4 Discuss the nature and consequences of “traditional structural characteristics.”

200) Bob is an engineer whose full-time job it is to serve as a technical interface between production and R&D. He “translates” between the two groups and helps them solve problems. His role is that of as a(n) integrator.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:504
Skill: Applied
Objective: 14.3 Review the more basic and more elaborate means of achieving organizational “coordination.”

201) German social theorist Max Weber developed the concept of bureaucracy as an organizational form.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:508
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.5 Explain the distinction between “organic” and “mechanistic” structures.

202) The human relations movement advocated organizational structures that broadly can be described as organic.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:509
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.5 Explain the distinction between “organic” and “mechanistic” structures.

203) The manner in which an organization divides labour into tasks and coordinates these tasks is referred to as organizational structure.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:494
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.1 Define “organizational structure” and explain how it corresponds to division of labour.

204) The positive points of functional departmentation include good communication within departments, good opportunities for professional development, and overall efficiency.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:497
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.2 Discuss the relative merits of various forms of “departmentation.”

205) Structure affects how effectively and efficiently group effort is coordinated.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:494
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.1 Define “organizational structure” and explain how it corresponds to division of labour.

206) Organizational structure intervenes between goals and organizational accomplishments and thus influences organizational effectiveness.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:494
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.1 Define “organizational structure” and explain how it corresponds to division of labour.

207) Organizational structure is the manner in which an organization divides its labour into specific tasks and achieves coordination among these tasks.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:494
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.1 Define “organizational structure” and explain how it corresponds to division of labour.

208) Innovation is one factor that often dictates multiple structures.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:509
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.5 Explain the distinction between “organic” and “mechanistic” structures.

209) Autonomy and differentiation are helpful for introducing innovations.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:511
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

210) When a large and established firm gets into a new line of business, the innovative unit often requires a more organic structure than the established parent.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:511
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

211) Innovations have life cycles and organizational structures have to correspond to these cycles.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:511
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

212) Downsizing is often accompanied by reducing horizontal or vertical complexity.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:519
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.7 Review important considerations concerning “downsizing.”

213) When faced with a serious decline, organizations have a decided tendency to become more mechanistic.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:519
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.7 Review important considerations concerning “downsizing.”

214) The book states that there is general agreement among experts that exploration and its quest for innovation require a more organic structure.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:510
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

215) Experts have discovered that exploitation and its focus on extracting value from existing competencies requires a more mechanistic structure.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:510
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

216) Linda is a new Chief Operating Officer at Rolling Corporation, a 30-year-old manufacturer of aluminum truck wheels and axles. One of her assignments is to lead a strategy team to figure out how to structure the company in order to most effectively support the growth of a new, experimental division whose mandate is to develop innovative friction reduction systems for aircraft landing gear. She wants to be sure that Rolling Corp. continues to excel in the trucking industry and, at the same time, lets the new division flourish. She will most likely need to create a(n) ambidextrous organization.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:510
Skill: Applied
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

217) The negative effects of downsizing are primarily due to poor implementation.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:520
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.7 Review important considerations concerning “downsizing.”

218) The video game industry is a good example of network organizations.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:512
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

219) The modular organization maintains complete strategic control.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:513
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

220) Structure broadly refers to how an organization’s individuals and groups are put together or organized to accomplish work.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:494
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.1 Define “organizational structure” and explain how it corresponds to division of labour.

221) Structure affects how effectively and efficiently group effort is coordinated.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:494
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.1 Define “organizational structure” and explain how it corresponds to division of labour.

222) Under high differentiation, various organizational units tend to operate more autonomously.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:496
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.1 Define “organizational structure” and explain how it corresponds to division of labour.

223) The most cited advantage of functional departmentation is efficiency.
Difficulty: 1
Page Reference:497
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.2 Discuss the relative merits of various forms of “departmentation.”

224) Integrating business in multiple geographic regions is a common stimulus for the matrix design.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:499
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.2 Discuss the relative merits of various forms of “departmentation.”

225) There may be some cultural limitations to matrix departmentation.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:500
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.2 Discuss the relative merits of various forms of “departmentation.”

226) Mutual adjustment is useful for coordinating the most simple and the most complicated divisions of labour.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:502
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.3 Review the more basic and more elaborate means of achieving organizational “coordination.”

227) The process of attaining coordination across differentiated departments usually goes by the special name of integration.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:503
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.3 Review the more basic and more elaborate means of achieving organizational “coordination.”

228) Flatness versus tallness is an index of the vertical division of labour.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:505
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.4 Discuss the nature and consequences of “traditional structural characteristics.”

229) There has been a North American trend toward flatter organizations.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:505
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.4 Discuss the nature and consequences of “traditional structural characteristics.”

230) Very complex tasks dictate high formalization.
Page Reference: 506
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.4 Discuss the nature and consequences of “traditional structural characteristics.”

231) The proper degree of centralization should put decision-making power where the best knowledge is located.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:508
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.4 Discuss the nature and consequences of “traditional structural characteristics.”

232) Complexity is the extent to which organizations divide labour vertically, horizontally, and geographically.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:508
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.4 Discuss the nature and consequences of “traditional structural characteristics.”

233) Complexity is the extent to which organizations divide labour vertically, horizontally, and geographically.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:508
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.4 Discuss the nature and consequences of “traditional structural characteristics.”

234) Speaking generally, functional structures tend to be rather mechanistic.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:508
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.5 Explain the distinction between “organic” and “mechanistic” structures.

235) The ideal ambidextrous organization is partly organic in form.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:510
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

236) An important distinction associated with the ambidextrous organization is sometimes described as exploiting versus exploring.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:510
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

237) An important distinction associated with the ambidextrous organization is sometimes described as exploiting versus exploring.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:510
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

238) Autonomy and differentiation are helpful for introducing innovations, but more integration leads to efficiency as the innovation becomes familiar.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:511
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

239) Diffusion of information and innovation are two important outcomes of network forms.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:511
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

240) A key advantage of the network form is its flexibility and adaptability.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:512
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

241) A virtual organization is even more flexible than a matrix.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:512
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

242) The modular organization maintains complete strategic control.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:513
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.6 Discuss the emergence of “ambidextrous,” “network,” “virtual,” “modular,” and “boundaryless” organizations.

243) Size is associated with increased complexity.
Difficulty: 2
Page Reference:516
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.7 Review important considerations concerning “downsizing.”

244) Downsizing tends to have a negative effect on stock prices and mixed effects on profitability.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:520
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.7 Review important considerations concerning “downsizing.”

245) Downsizing tends to have a negative effect on stock prices and mixed effects on profitability.
Difficulty: 3
Page Reference:520
Skill: Recall
Objective: 14.7 Review important considerations concerning “downsizing.”

246) Define differentiation as it relates to the division of labour. What is the connection between differentiation and integration?
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