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6 years ago
Date rape is a form of unwanted sexual assault. Discuss guidelines that can be used by both women and men to reduce the risk for date rape.
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6 years ago
1. Decide ahead of time how far you are willing to go.
2. Think ahead of time and try to avoid "compromising" situations.
3. Communicate directly.
4. Be aware that some men, in some situations, will interpret a low-cut, sexy dress or other clothing as a come-on.
5. Limit your consumption of alcohol and other drugs that reduce your ability to think clearly.
6. Pay attention to the nonverbal and verbal cues that your date is giving you.
7. Be concerned about behaviours and expressions exhibited by your date.

1. Take stock of your past behaviours in potentially sexual situations.
2. Know and express your sexual limits.
3. Understand that NO means NO, and it's not a sign of rejection.
4. Just because you may have been intimate with the woman before doesn't mean it's okay now.
5. Limit alcohol and other drugs that cause you to think less clearly.
6. Avoid situations likely to get you into trouble.
7. If you encounter a particularly aggressive woman, it is not unmanly to tell her you do not want to have sex and are not interested in being intimate in any way.
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