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Tesy Tesy
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6 years ago
In 2014, Netflix was told to submit information about its Canadian subscribers to the CRTC, but it refused to do so, arguing that the CRTC didn't have any jurisdiction over online media. When the CRTC simply dropped the issue, this showed that
A) it is unclear what jurisdiction the CRTC has in enforcing Canadian content rules.
B) the top management of the CRTC is not knowledgeable about companies that provide entertainment.
C) the CRTC does not have any power over companies that provide cable or television entertainment.
D) the CRTC does not have right to control broadcast content that is provided over the Internet.
E) the top management of CRTC is incompetent.
Business Essentials, Canadian Edition

Business Essentials, Canadian Edition

Edition: 8th
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