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goji.go goji.go
Posts: 5977
10 years ago
Raheem works in the IT department of a large investment firm. His employer is very conscious of Raheem's religious needs and has been most accommodating. Which of the following is something Raheem's employer likely does NOT provide?
A) allowance for differences in dress
B) financial assistance for religious pilgrimages
C) time off to observe religious holidays
D) cafeteria selections meeting dietary requirements
E) permission to take prayer breaks during the workday
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2 Replies
10 years ago
B) A more culturally diverse workforce brings with it a wider variety of religious beliefs and practices. Employers are struggling to accommodate workers' religious needs, but also to prevent any friction from open demonstrations of religious practices. Many employers allow employees to take prayer breaks, take time off to observe religious holidays, cater to dietary requirements, and permit differences in dress.
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goji.go Authorgoji.go
Top Poster
Posts: 5977
10 years ago
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