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mikael mikael
Posts: 12017
10 years ago
Tom was offered a new job at the local bank and had to move out of the home where he was living with his parents. He had to be at work by 8 a.m. Until now, Tom's mother had prepared a hot breakfast that he ate at a leisurely pace. Now, Tom had only 10 minutes to prepare and eat breakfast each day. He decided to try a new oat-based breakfast cereal that he had read about in the paper as an option to match his new lifestyle. He liked that it was low in fat and could lower cholesterol. Point out 3 factors and how they probably influenced Tom's new breakfast choice.
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2 Replies
Staff Member
10 years ago
• Tom's choice was influenced by time and convenience. He had to be at work on time and he did not have too much time to spend on preparation, so a cold cereal was going to be a quicker option.
• Tom was influenced by advertising, as that was how he became aware of the new breakfast cereal.
• Tom was also influenced by health concerns. He picked the breakfast cereal because it was low in fat, could lower cholesterol, and was healthier for him.
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mikael Authormikael
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Posts: 12017
10 years ago
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