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chicitygrl chicitygrl
Posts: 22
10 years ago
I currenlty have a low gpa, slightly under a 3.0. I major in biology and will be graduating Spring 2014. I want to go to physician assistant school but I feel like i won't get in at all. I have a low gpa due to some health conditions that occurred in the last 2-3 years and I found out recently from my doctor that I suffer from depression. I also learn slower and have anxiety. I'm trying my best to overcome such conditions to do good in school as I feel like they are not an excuse for poor grades. I wake up early 8am to study and do hw before class, and study and do more hw after classes until at least midnight. But it seems that its not enough to get A's.

I dont have much experience either, I have done volunteer work at nursing homes, fleet feet sports, I've also worked as a receptionist and life enrichment lead at a nursing home, a home care aide and now a Physical Therapy aide at a rehab center.

I have not taken the GRE yet, going to study for it and practice for it before taking it.

Any advice or suggestions to my chances in PA school? Any schools that take low GPAs? Should I do nursing instead, but how do you transition with a BS biology to nursing?

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Staff Member
10 years ago
I want to go to physician assistant school but I feel like i won't get in at all. I have a low gpa due to some health conditions that occurred in the last 2-3 years and I found out recently from my doctor that I suffer from depression.

This doesn't have anything to do with one of your previous posts, does it? How did they diagnose this? As a future biologist, you should be putting a lot of thought and criticism into their diagnoses.

What does physician assistant school mean? Is that another word for nurse? A friend of mine graduated from a biology degree and is now a manager at a hospital. That said, she didn't have any formal training to find such a career. If training means you're part of a union and there are monetary benefits to it, I'd suggest doing it. However, I would also try applying without one and see where it takes you. If you get an interview, you're half way there. If you know what to say during the interview, that's all that matters. You can tell them you're a rocket scientists, and they'll believe you if you have the *words* to back it up.

Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
So I have about a year and half left in college to finish up my Pre-med and nursing program. Do not think that your chances of getting into nursing is any higher than PA school. The average GPA at my state nursing school (Somewhere in Missouri) is 3.7. Nursing is extremely time consuming and demanding. 8 am is early for most college students but I have to be at clinicals by 6 am in the mornings at the hospitals and do not finish til 3pm. I chose to do nursing because I felt that it best prepares an individual for medical school and if you choose that medicine is not for you, you can leave early and not go through the years of hassle. With the GPA below 3, it will be tough, but not impossible. You will have to make up for it on the GRE or MCAT (if you chose medical school). Get into research for starters. You have to beg PIs but it will look great on your application. You may also want to think about becoming a physician scribe instead of being the aid as well. Ask yourself first if this is truly what you want to do. Lots of people want to go into the health filed because it sounds good or their family pushes them. Trust me money can't buy happiness. Just look at all the rich who commit suicide. You don't want to go though with PA and then realize that you hate it after you graduate. That's the best way to get bad doctors lol. Sorry for rambling on but the point is if your GPA is not the greatest then improve other parts of your application and even consider other careers not just limited to healthcare.
10 years ago
I'm in your boat, I want to do a PTA and I went through some tough financial times as well as some of my own personal demons. Because of that my GPA plumented. I don't even want to say how horrible it is atm but I hope all goes well.
10 years ago
Some other options for strengthening your PA school application:

-shadow PAs (admissions wants to see that you know what a PA doe and that you understand their role in the health care community)
-get EMT certified
-work as a medical scribe
-do some research at a university
-volunteer at your local hospital
-become involved in community service
-be sure you can get good letters of rec
10 years ago
I'm in the same boat as you. Currently a bio major, GPA is also below 3.0. Definitely gonna take these recommendations from other users and try to strengthen the other parts of my application!
9 years ago
just retake some classes and boost your gpa before you apply. besides, most schools just require at least a 3.0 in order to apply. Does that mean you'll get in? no, but it does meet the requirements...
8 years ago
Retake the classes and do better. If  Science and Math are not even in your interest, find a career that actually drives you.
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