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ClaraY ClaraY
Posts: 40
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9 months ago
A bunch of recent studies are coming up saying that fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field causes heart attacks and seizures.
All of a sudden, out of nowhere, within the past three years, there have been a myriad of studies all saying that fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field causes heart attacks and other heart problems, due to Earth's magnetic field disrupting the heart's electrical activity. Pretty much every serious health problem you can think of has been correlated with geomagnetic storms.






I've even seen studies linking fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field (geomagnetic storms) with the incidence of seizures, schizophrenia, and even Alzheimer's.

So, what about MRI machines? The magnetic field of an MRI machine is a whopping 100,000 times stronger than Earth's, and the fluctuations are much more violent. By comparison, the fluctuations of Earth's magnetic field during even the most severe geomagnetic storms are measured on the order of a few hundred nanoteslas per minute and don't even affect pacemakers (many newer models of pacemaker are MRI-compliant, but most older models aren't).
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9 months ago
Hi ClaraY

My research shows no connection between heart conditions and MRI's. The studies that are popping up are just correlations, they're not a cause.

I think there's more likely a linkage between the COVID vaccine and heart complications that arise from it - you can find way more of those that the former.
ClaraY Author
9 months ago
This recent news story, published 2 hours ago popped up on my MSN https://www.msn.com/en-gb/weather/topstories/strong-magnetic-storm-raging-on-earth-and-will-last-for-several-days/ar-AA1lJLAH?rc=1&ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=a1612a7a07bb44a0e7e28844b28de6f6&ei=10

"According to experts, a strong magnetic storm with a K-index of 6 (red level) is expected on December 19, maintaining its strength for several days. Additionally, a gradual decrease in the intensity of the magnetic storm is forecasted from December 21-23.

The red level corresponds to a severe magnetic storm capable of affecting people's well-being. Magnetic storms can cause headaches, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, general discomfort, exacerbation of chronic illnesses, and even negatively impact a healthy individual.

During such days, it is advisable to be extra cautious when driving, pay close attention to your well-being, and if possible, postpone long trips, important meetings, and negotiations.

To minimize the negative impact of increased solar activity, adhere to simple rules:

Spend more time outdoors during magnetic storm days, except the midday time (12-4 PM), when it's better to avoid direct sunlight. Include more water, fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries in your diet. Avoid elevated physical and mental stress and overexertion. Refrain from alcohol, fatty, spicy, and salty foods on these days. Instead, opt for light dishes, such as vegetables and poultry."

Pseudoscientific propaganda going strong lately, or something else? The past week I keep seeing new news articles posted every day about solar flares/geomagnetic storms, and most of the ones I've seen on my MSN news feed go on about how magnetic storms are causing all these health effects. I've never heard about magnetic storms causing health effects until a few days ago and I've read about solar storms a lot in the past.
9 months ago
Sun activity definitely has an effect on the earth; I too have been seeing a lot of these reports, but I haven't personally experienced any symptoms they describe. I believe in the reports, but it's really impossible to tell what will happen from it or when. The Earth's magnetic field protects us against most of the ill-effects anyway.
ClaraY Author
9 months ago
Sun activity definitely has an effect on the earth; I too have been seeing a lot of these reports, but I haven't personally experienced any symptoms they describe. I believe in the reports, but it's really impossible to tell what will happen from it or when. The Earth's magnetic field protects us against most of the ill-effects anyway.

It's actually the Earth's magnetic field which is causing all these health effects, according to the papers. They aren't blaming cosmic rays or radiation, but specifically Earth's magnetism.
9 months ago
Are you sure that is what they're suggesting? The Earth's magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron and nickel in its outer core. When it does change, they changes are gradual and slow enough not to cause any complications. I think the issues are being attributed to recent solar flares disrupting the magnetic field.
ClaraY Author
9 months ago
Are you sure that is what they're suggesting? The Earth's magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron and nickel in its outer core. When it does change, they changes are gradual and slow enough not to cause any complications. I think the issues are being attributed to recent solar flares disrupting the magnetic field.

It's those disruptions in Earth's magnetic field that are being blamed for the health effects. The fluctuations are measured on the order of a few tens to (in severe disturbances) a few hundred nanoteslas per minute.


''Our results may be explained through the direct impact of environmental electric and magnetic fields produced during GMD on the human autonomic nervous system. Interactions between GMD and the autonomic nervous system are likely to induce a cascade of reactions in the body's electrophysiology that culminate in the collapse of organ functions and death.''
9 months ago
These results unfortunately are just based on models. For example, if you read the actual report of which this blog is based on, it states the following:

We found significant association between daily GMD and total, CVD, and MI deaths. The effects were even stronger when we adjusted the models for 24-h PM2.5 for different seasons. For example, in the winter and fall one standard deviation of z-score Kp index increase was associated with a 0.13 and 0.31% increase in total deaths, respectively (Winter: p = 0.01, 95% CI: 0.02 to 0.24; Fall: p = 0.00001; 95% CI: 0.23 to 0.4), without adjusting for PM2.5. The effects of GMD on total deaths were also observed in spring and summer in the models without PM2.5 (p = 0.00001). When the models were adjusted for PM2.5 the total deaths increased 0.47% in winter (p = 0.00001, 95% CI: 0.3 to 0.65) and by 0.23% in fall (p = 0.001, 95% CI: 0.09 to 0.37). The effects of GMD were also significant associated with MI deaths and CVD. No positive significant association were found between Kp and stroke. The GMD effects on deaths were higher than for 24 h-PM2.5 alone, especially in spring and fall.

Models can be no where near perfect, as we have seen with people arguing how global warming will have severe effects 5, 10, 20 years from now. In fact, in reference to earth's magnetic fields, I couldn't find any credible scientific studies confirming a direct and lethal impact of geomagnetic disturbances on the human autonomic nervous system leading to things like organ function collapse and death.

Remember that association/correlation isn't causation. Just for fun, take a look at these surprisingly strange correlations: https://tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations Smiling Face with Open Mouth
ClaraY Author
9 months ago
These results unfortunately are just based on models. For example, if you read the actual report of which this blog is based on, it states the following:
We found significant association between daily GMD and total, CVD, and MI deaths. The effects were even stronger when we adjusted the models for 24-h PM2.5 for different seasons. For example, in the winter and fall one standard deviation of z-score Kp index increase was associated with a 0.13 and 0.31% increase in total deaths, respectively (Winter: p = 0.01, 95% CI: 0.02 to 0.24; Fall: p = 0.00001; 95% CI: 0.23 to 0.4), without adjusting for PM2.5. The effects of GMD on total deaths were also observed in spring and summer in the models without PM2.5 (p = 0.00001). When the models were adjusted for PM2.5 the total deaths increased 0.47% in winter (p = 0.00001, 95% CI: 0.3 to 0.65) and by 0.23% in fall (p = 0.001, 95% CI: 0.09 to 0.37). The effects of GMD were also significant associated with MI deaths and CVD. No positive significant association were found between Kp and stroke. The GMD effects on deaths were higher than for 24 h-PM2.5 alone, especially in spring and fall.
Models can be no where near perfect, as we have seen with people arguing how global warming will have severe effects 5, 10, 20 years from now. In fact, in reference to earth's magnetic fields, I couldn't find any credible scientific studies confirming a direct and lethal impact of geomagnetic disturbances on the human autonomic nervous system leading to things like organ function collapse and death. Remember that association/correlation isn't causation. Just for fun, take a look at these surprisingly strange correlations: https://tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations Smiling Face with Open Mouth

I understand correlation doesn't equal causation, but why are all these studies (done by different authors in different countries etc) all finding the same negative correlations between geomagnetic disturbance and health? How likely is it that dozens if not hundreds of studies all finding the same thing if there's no casual link?
9 months ago
It's possible that they're all telling us the same thing?

Also, my own research into the subject wasn't as fruitful in finding a diversity of ideas related to the topic. The links you provided in your first post aren't scientific journal articles (the last link doesn't work either).
ClaraY Author
9 months ago
It's possible that they're all telling us the same thing? Also, my own research into the subject wasn't as fruitful in finding a diversity of ideas related to the topic. The links you provided in your first post aren't scientific journal articles (the last link doesn't work either).

The studies are independent from one another and even in different countries they're still finding correlations between geomagnetic storms and health. I actually can't find a single source which says that geomagnetic storms aren't linked to health problems. Do you have one?
8 months ago
I'm not seeing that. The first few hits for "Geomagnetic disturbances causing health issues" return the following titles:

  • Geomagnetic disturbances driven by solar activity enhance total and cardiovascular mortality risk in 263 U.S. cities
  • Long-Term Study of Heart Rate Variability Responses to Changes in the Solar and Geomagnetic Environment
  • Association of geomagnetic disturbances and suicides in Japan, 1999–2010
  • Revisiting the connection between Solar eruptions and primary headaches and migraines using Twitter
  • Synchronization of Human Autonomic Nervous System Rhythms with Geomagnetic Activity in Human Subjects

After reading the abstract, none of these studies provided hardwired evidence that show a direct relationship between the two variables in question. Again, I am doubtful of this effect. For reference, I have included my search results:

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