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lori92 lori92
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12 years ago
Can someone please help me answer the following questions on the PHYSIO EX8.0 for A&P Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology

Question 5 for activity 4- Describe the force of concentration with each subsequent stimulus.

6. Discribe the chemical changes that are thought to correlate to this change in vivo

7. What was the effect of increasing frequency of stimulation?

Thanks  Slight Smile
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12 years ago
Activity 5: Investigating Wave Summation (pp. 21–22)

4. The peak force produced in the second contraction is greater than that produced by the first stimulus.

5. The total force production is even greater when stimuli are delivered more rapidly.

6. Decrease voltage; 1.7–2.5 volts (depends on the rapidity of clicking)

7. The greater frequency of stimulation results in a greater force generated.
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