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krisantiaaa krisantiaaa
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6 years ago
In a well-supported essay, discuss the three unique attributes of interpersonal communication as defined in your book.
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6 years ago
First, interpersonal communication involves quality, which means that a person treats another as a unique human being rather than as a person in an impersonal role. An example would be listening and observing the other person carefully, and responding to any emotional messages or what their particular experience might be. For example, asking a clerk in a store, Busy day, today? and listening to the answer rather than just conducting a transaction.

Second, interpersonal communication involves mutual influence, which means that each person in the interaction is affected. For example, if a friend is telling you about a problem, and you are listening intently, even though your friend might be doing the talking, you are affected by his or her problem. In turn, your listening affects his or her emotional and perceptual response to you. If both people are not aware of the interaction, it will not be interpersonal.

Third, interpersonal communication helps manage relationships. We use communication to initiate and maintain relationships. For example, at earlier stages in the relationship, we limit our conversation to superficial topics. As we get to know each other better, we may discuss more intimate topics, which helps a relationship grow. We may also use direct messages to discuss the nature of the relationship.
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