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jeterpaul3 jeterpaul3
Posts: 15
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10 years ago
I'm having trouble trying to answer some of these questions, I look at my book an it says something then I look online and it says something totally different..
1. a hypothesis is a
a) a tentative answer to some question.
b) an explanatory idea that is broad in scope and supported by a large body of evidence.

2. a theory is a
a) an explanatory idea that is broad in scope and supported by a large body of evidence.
b) a widely accepted theory that is broad scope an dsupported by a large body of evidence.

3. a scientist performs a controlled experiment this means
a) two experiments are conducted, one differing from the other by only a single variable.
b) two experiments are conducted, one differing from the other by two or more variables.
c) one experiment is performed, but the scientist controls the variables.

4.the phrase "like begets like" refers to
a) all forms of reproduction
b) sexual reproduction only
c) asexual reproduction only
d) production of gametes from preiotic cell
e) sexual reproduction between different species

5. eukaryotic cells spend most of their cell cycle in which phase?
a) interphase
b) prophase
c) metaphase
d) anaphase
e) telophase

6.Which of the following occurs during interphase?
A) a reduction in the size of the nuclear membrane
B) duplication of the chromosomes
C) cytokinesis
D) cell growth and duplication of the chromosomes
E) separation of newly formed DNA to opposite ends of the cell

7.The process by which the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell divides to produce two cells is called
A) mitosis.
B) cytokinesis.
C) binary fission.
D) telophase.
E) spindle formation.

8.During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up on a plane equidistant from the two spindle poles?
A) interphase
B) prophase
C) metaphase
D) anaphase
E) telophase

9.Which of the following statements regarding the function of mitosis is false?
A) Mitosis allows organisms to grow.
B) Mitosis allows organisms to generate genetic diversity.
C) Mitosis allows organisms to reproduce asexually.
D) Mitosis allows organisms to repair tissues.
E) Mitosis allows organisms to regenerate lost parts.

10.Two chromosomes in a nucleus that carry loci for the same traits in the same positions on the chromosome but specify different versions of some traits constitute a pair of
A) homologous chromosomes.
B) heterologous chromosomes.
C) complementary chromosomes.
D) polyploid chromosomes.
E) parallel chromosomes.

11.Which of the following statements is false?
A) A typical body cell is called a somatic cell.
B) Gametes are haploid cells.
C) Somatic cells are diploid.
D) Gametes are made by mitosis.
E) A zygote is a fertilized egg.

12.Which below best describes a difference between a chromosome and a gene?
A) A chromosome and a gene are identical
B) A gene is one section of a chromosome, and a chromosome may carry many
C) A gene is a set of homologous chromosomes
D) A gene is made of DNA and a chromosome is only made of protein
E) A chromosome codes for one trait, while a gene may called for multiple traits

13.Homologous chromosomes have
A) the same genes and the same alleles
B) different genes and alleles
C) the same genes, but different alleles
D) no genetic similarities to each other
E) different structural properties and sizes

14.A diploid, somatic cell from an organism has 40 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be in a haploid gamete from this organism?
A) 46
B) 80
C) 10
D) 40
E) 20

15.The products of meiosis I are
A) two genetically identical, diploid cells.
B) four genetically identical, haploid cells.
C) four genetically identical, diploid cells.
D) two genetically different, diploid cells.
E) four genetically different, haploid cells

16.It is difficult to observe individual chromosomes with a light microscope during interphase because _____.
A) the DNA has not been replicated yet
B) they have uncoiled to form long, thin strands
C) they leave the nucleus and are dispersed to other parts of the cell
D) sister chromatids do not pair up until division starts
E) the spindle must move them to the metaphase plate before they become visible

17.A cell entering the mitotic cell cycle with 32 chromosomes will produce two daughter cells, each with _____.
A) 16 chromosomes
B) 32 chromosomes
C) 32 pairs of chromosomes
D) 64 pairs of chromosomes
E) none of the above

18.In some organisms such as certain fungi and algae, cells undergo mitosis repeatedly without subsequently undergoing cytokinesis. What would result from this?
A) a decrease in chromosome number
B) an inability to duplicate DNA
C) division of the organism into many cells, most lacking nuclei
D) large cells containing many nuclei
E) a rapid rate of sexual reproduction

19.Cytochalasin B is a chemical that disrupts microfilament formation. This chemical would interfere with _____.
A) DNA replication
B) formation of the mitotic spindle
C) cleavage
D) formation of the nuclear envelope
E) fission

20.Chromosomes of diploid organisms that are NOT involved in sex determination are called _____.
A) autosomes
B) indeterminate chromosomes
C) mitotic chromosomes
D) heterochromosomes
E) nucleosomes

21.When we say that an organism is haploid, we mean that _____.
A) its cells each have one chromosome
B) it has one half of a chromosome
C) its cells each have one set of chromosomes
D) its cells each have two sets of chromosomes
E) none of the above

22.Which of the following statements regarding the differences between mitosis and meiosis is false?
A) In meiosis four daughter cells are produced, whereas in mitosis two daughter cells are produced.
B) Cells produced by mitosis are diploid, whereas cells produced by meiosis are haploid.
C) In mitosis cytokinesis occurs once, whereas in meiosis cytokinesis occurs twice.
D) Crossing over is a phenomenon that creates genetic diversity during mitosis.
E) Mitosis, but not meiosis, occurs in somatic cells.

23.Independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase I results in an increase in the number of
A) gametes.
B) homologous chromosomes.
C) possible combinations of characteristics.
D) sex chromosomes.
E) points of crossing over.

A) shows chromosomes as they appear in metaphase of meiosis II.
B) can reveal alterations in chromosome number.
C) examines points of crossing over.
D) reveals the results of independenceof chromosomes during meiosis I.
E) reveals the presence of cancerous genes.

25.Which one of the following is NOT a function of meiosis in humans?
A) production of eggs
B) production of sperm
C) decreasing the number of chromosomes.
D) multiplication of somatic body cells
E) none of the above

26.In a cell containing 10 chromosomes, meiosis results in the formation of daughter cells containing __________ chromosomes.
A) 5
B) 10
C) 20
D) 40
E) 0

27.Mitosis and cytokinesis result in the formation of ______; meiosis and cytokinesis result in the formation of ________.
A) four diploid cells ... four haploid cells
B) two diploid cells ... two haploid cells
C) two diploid cells ... four haploid cells
D) two diploid cells ... two diploid cells
E) four haploid cells ... two diploid cells

28.Mitosis and meiosis differ in several ways. Meiosis, but not mitosis, _____.
A) results in four (rather than two) daughter cells
B) introduces genetic variation among daughter cells
C) changes the chromosome number of the daughter cells
D) involves two bouts of cell division
E) is correctly described by all of these statements

29.In humans, the haploid number of chromosomes is 23. Independent assortment has the possibility of producing _____ different gametes.
A) 232
B) 1 million
C) 223
D) 24
E) 100,000

30.If the diploid number of chromosomes in a certain animal is 6 (2n = 6), there are three sets of 2 homologous chromosomes each, or three pairs. How do these three pairs align and separate in meiosis?
A) All members of each set move together.
B) All 12 chromatids move together.
C) Any two sister chromatids move together in meiosis II.
D) The first to move influences all the others.
E) They align and assort independently to form any of eight different
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10 years ago
26.In a cell containing 10 chromosomes, meiosis results in the formation of daughter cells containing __________ chromosomes.
A) 5
B) 10
C) 20
D) 40
E) 0


25.Which one of the following is NOT a function of meiosis in humans?
A) production of eggs
B) production of sperm
C) decreasing the number of chromosomes.
D) multiplication of somatic body cells
E) none of the above

Multiplication of body cells

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