66° F
72° F
78° F
82° F
84° F
3.1 If the maximum daily temperature is 84° F and
the minimum daily temperature is 72° F, then the
daily mean temperature is:
66° F
72° F
78° F
82° F
84° F
(84° F + 72° F)/2 = 78° F
3.1 If the maximum daily temperature is 84° F and
the minimum daily temperature is 72° F, then the
daily mean temperature is:
3.2 If the maximum daily temperature is 84° F
and the minimum daily temperature is 72° F,
then the daily temperature range is:
84° F - 72° F = 12° F
3.2 If the maximum daily temperature is 84° F
and the minimum daily temperature is 72° F,
then the daily temperature range is:
3.3 A line that connects points on a map that have
the same temperature is called a(an):
3.3 A line that connects points on a map that have
the same temperature is called a(an):
3.4 Which of the following is NOT a factor that
influences why temperatures vary from place to place?
Differential heating of land and water
Ocean currents
Cloud cover and albedo
All of the above are influencing factors
Differential heating of land and water
Ocean currents
Cloud cover and albedo
All of the above are influencing factors
3.4 Which of the following is NOT a factor that
influences why temperatures vary from place to place?
Water is highly mobile
Land is opaque and water is more transparent
Specific heat
All of these are correct
3.5 Which of the following is a reason why land and
water heat and cool differently?
Water is highly mobile
Land is opaque and water is more transparent
Specific heat
All of these are correct
3.5 Which of the following is a reason why land and
water heat and cool differently?
3.6 Why is the annual temperature range at most latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere much smaller than that of the Northern Hemisphere?
There is a greater percentage of ocean in the Northern Hemisphere.
There is a greater percentage of ocean in the Southern Hemisphere.
The land surface is more mountainous in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Earth is closest to the Sun during the Southern Hemisphere winter.
There is a greater percentage of ocean in the Northern Hemisphere.
There is a greater percentage of ocean in the Southern Hemisphere.
The land surface is more mountainous in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Earth is closest to the Sun during the Southern Hemisphere winter.
3.6 Why is the annual temperature range at most latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere much smaller than that of the Northern Hemisphere?
3.7 Which of the following is an example of a warm
ocean current?
California Current
Humboldt Current
Canary Current
Gulf Stream
All of these are warm ocean currents
California Current
Humboldt Current
Canary Current
Gulf Stream
All of these are warm ocean currents
3.7 Which of the following is an example of a warm
ocean current?
Warm in summer and cold in winter
Cold in summer and warm in winter
A cold current
A warm current
Either a warm or cold current
3.8 A poleward moving ocean current is:
Warm in summer and cold in winter
Cold in summer and warm in winter
A cold current
A warm current
Either a warm or cold current
3.8 A poleward moving ocean current is:
3.9 Which of the following is true for a station at a
higher elevation when compared to a nearby
station at a lower elevation?
It will have a higher summer temperature.
It will have a higher winter temperature.
It will have a lower summer temperature.
The temperatures will be nearly identical.
None of these are correct.
It will have a higher summer temperature.
It will have a higher winter temperature.
It will have a lower summer temperature.
The temperatures will be nearly identical.
None of these are correct.
3.9 Which of the following is true for a station at a
higher elevation when compared to a nearby
station at a lower elevation?
Winter temperatures that are very similar to those on the leeward side
Cooler summer temperatures than those on the leeward side
Warmer summer temperatures than those on the leeward side
Summer temperatures that are very similar to those on the leeward side
All of these are correct
3.10 A location on the windward side of a continent when compared to a location on the leeward side of a continent at the same latitude would experience:
Winter temperatures that are very similar to those on the leeward side
Cooler summer temperatures than those on the leeward side
Warmer summer temperatures than those on the leeward side
Summer temperatures that are very similar to those on the leeward side
All of these are correct
3.10 A location on the windward side of a continent when compared to a location on the leeward side of a continent at the same latitude would experience:
They increase temperature minimums and maximums.
They cover about 5% of the Earth’s surface.
They increase night-time temperatures and decrease daytime temperatures.
They decrease night-time temperatures and increase daytime temperatures.
They decrease temperature minimums and temperature maximums.
3.11 Which of the following is true regarding clouds?
They increase temperature minimums and maximums.
They cover about 5% of the Earth’s surface.
They increase night-time temperatures and decrease daytime temperatures.
They decrease night-time temperatures and increase daytime temperatures.
They decrease temperature minimums and temperature maximums.
3.11 Which of the following is true regarding clouds?
3.12 Which of the following factors would result in a
place being warmer in the summer?
Being in the middle of a landmass
Being located at a higher elevation
Being located at a higher latitude
Being near an ocean
All of these are correct
3.12 Which of the following factors would result in a
place being warmer in the summer?
Being in the middle of a landmass
Being located at a higher elevation
Being located at a higher latitude
Being near an ocean
All of these are correct
Over land at high latitudes
Over water at high latitudes
In middle latitudes near large bodies of water
Around the equator
Annual temperature ranges are uniform over the entire Earth
3.13 The largest annual temperature range is found:
Over land at high latitudes
Over water at high latitudes
In middle latitudes near large bodies of water
Around the equator
Annual temperature ranges are uniform over the entire Earth
3.13 The largest annual temperature range is found:
Shortly after midnight
Just before midnight
Shortly after sunrise
Just before sunrise
In the middle of the night
3.14 The lowest daily temperatures are normally
Shortly after midnight
Just before midnight
Shortly after sunrise
Just before sunrise
In the middle of the night
3.14 The lowest daily temperatures are normally
3.15 At what time of the year do Northern Hemisphere land surfaces experience their maximum incoming solar radiation?
3.15 At what time of the year do Northern Hemisphere land surfaces experience their maximum incoming solar radiation?
3.16 What factors contribute to the development of urban heat islands?
Asphalt in cities absorbs more solar radiation than vegetation.
Impermeable city surfaces cause more rain runoff and less evaporation.
Hard city surfaces slowly release stored heat from the day, keeping city air warmer than the country.
All of the above contribute to the development
of urban heat islands.
3.16 What factors contribute to the development of urban heat islands?
Asphalt in cities absorbs more solar radiation than vegetation.
Impermeable city surfaces cause more rain runoff and less evaporation.
Hard city surfaces slowly release stored heat from the day, keeping city air warmer than the country.
All of the above contribute to the development of urban heat islands.
3.17 Which is the best location to place a thermometer for an accurate air temperature reading?
On an exposed rooftop
In full sunlight so that it gets full exposure
In the grass
Inside a louvered instrument shelter
Location does not matter
3.17 Which is the best location to place a thermometer for an accurate air temperature reading?
On an exposed rooftop
In full sunlight so that it gets full exposure
In the grass
Inside a louvered instrument shelter
Location does not matter
None of these are correct
3.18 The boiling point of water on the Kelvin
temperature scale is?
None of these are correct
3.18 The boiling point of water on the Kelvin
temperature scale is?
Heat Index
Wind Chill
Heating Degree
Sensible Heat
Specific Heat
3.19 Which of the following indicates how “hot” an individual feels, given combinations of
temperature and relative humidity?
3.19 Which of the following indicates how “hot” an individual feels, given combinations of
temperature and relative humidity?
Heat Index
Wind Chill
Heating Degree
Sensible Heat
Specific Heat
3.20 Which of the following locations would have the highest number of heating degree-days?
Miami, FL
Baltimore, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Las Vegas, NV
Detroit, MI
3.20 Which of the following locations would have the highest number of heating degree-days?
Miami, FL
Baltimore, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Las Vegas, NV
Detroit, MI
3.21 How many cooling degree-days would there be for a given day if the daily maximum temperature is 84°F and the daily minimum temperature is 72°F?
Assume a base temperature of 65°F.
(84° F + 72° F)/2 = 78
78 – 65 = 13 CDDs
3.21 How many cooling degree-days would there be for a given day if the daily maximum temperature is 84°F and the daily minimum temperature is 72°F?
3.22 Which of the following is true regarding heat waves?
They are generally more severe in cities.
They cause less property damage than other severe weather events.
Global warming is causing an increase in the frequency and severity of heat waves.
Heat waves are responsible for more deaths than tornadoes.
All of the above are true.
3.22 Which of the following is true regarding heat waves?
They are generally more severe in cities.
They cause less property damage than other severe weather events.
Global warming is causing an increase in the frequency and severity of heat waves.
Heat waves are responsible for more deaths than tornadoes.
All of the above are true.