Biology 20: Module 2: Lesson 3 1 Assignment
Module 2: Lesson 3 ASSIGNMENT
Lesson 3 Assignment: The Ecological Footprint of Humans
TR 1. Ecological Footprints
Please complete these questions. If you are having difficulty finding information, try searching _
Here are a couple others you can reference to help with this assignment:
1. a. Investigate the ecological footprint of your country in relation to two other countries. One country will have a similar footprint and the other one has a contrasting footprint. What is the population? What is the available capacity of each country? What is the ecological deficit? Present your findings in a chart format.
b. Write a conclusion that explains the ecological deficits.
2. a. Contrast the ecological deficit of the countries that have the largest and smallest ecological footprints. What pattern do you find? How can this be explained?
b. What is your ecological footprint? How much area of productive land do you require? Use this calculator _ This is the same calculation you did on page one of the lesson in Get Focused. Explain why this answer surprises or does not surprise you.
What aspects of your lifestyle contributed the most to your footprint size? How does your ecological footprint compare to the average Canadian? What conclusions can you make?
How do your lifestyle choices affect the flow of energy and the cycling of matter in the biosphere? Explain by using three lifestyle choices.
Reflect and Connect
Reflect on the results of the ecological footprint quiz you took at the start of the lesson. Based on the results of the quiz and using what you have learned in this lesson, respond to the following questions.
1. How could you make your ecological footprint smaller? Make a list of four choices you could make that would lessen your impact on the balance of the biosphere. Explain how each choice in your list would affect the cycles around you. You may want to do a quick web search to help you identify how your choice would have less impact on the balance of the biosphere.
2. Technology is generally developed to meet your needs and to make you better at completing tasks. Discuss how technology affects your ecological footprint positively and negatively. A rubric is provided to show you how you will be marked.
At least three technologies are discussed for positive effects.
At least three technologies are discussed for negative effects.
Interpretations and explanations of the impact of the technologies are logical and communicated effectively.
Interpretations and explanations make accurate references to the flow of energy, the cycling of matter, and biosphere equilibrium.
Two technologies are discussed for positive effects.
Two technologies are discussed for negative effects.
Interpretations and explanations of the impact of the technologies are logical and mostly clear.
Interpretations and explanations make somewhat accurate references to the flow of energy, the cycling of matter, and biosphere equilibrium.
One technology is discussed for positive effects.
One technology is discussed for negative effects.
Interpretations and explanations of the impact of the technology are logical and mostly clear.
Interpretations and explanations make somewhat accurate references to the flow of energy, the cycling of matter, and biosphere equilibrium.
One technology is listed for positive effects.
One technology is listed for negative effects.
Interpretations and explanations of the impact of the technology are unclear.
Interpretations and explanations do not make accurate references to the flow of energy, the cycling of matter, and biosphere equilibrium.
Once you have completed all of the questions, submit your work to your teacher.