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Unit 10 test

Uploaded: 7 years ago
Contributor: megggggggan
Category: History
Type: Lecture Notes
Rating: N/A
Filename:   Unit 10 test.docx (14.04 kB)
Page Count: 1
Credit Cost: 1
Views: 191
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During the Civil War the ranks of both armies were (decimated) as much by disease as by enemy action. Since he didn’t want to give me credit for having done a good job, he took refuge in endless (cavils) about my work. Since he is not guided by firm principles, he (oscillates) between the rival factions, looking for support from both of them. Lack of consideration for other people is an unfortunate (concomitant) of her driving ambition. When I found that people I admired were looking (askance) at my unconventional clothing, I resolved to remedy the situation. I have learned that (sporadic) sessions of intense “cramming” can never take the place of a regular study program. All angles are classified as acute, right, (obtuse), or straight, according to the number of degrees they contain. Imagine the general disappointment when the so-called “miracle cure” was exposed as a fraud promoted by a (charlatan). We must never allow our passion for justice to be (attenuated) to mere halfhearted goodwill. Do you want to be a ballet dancer badly enough to (forgo) those fattening foods you love so much? Their relationship has been so (fraught) with strife and malice that I don’t see how they can ever patch things up. We believe that classes taught by teachers with specialized training will have a (benign) effect on the troubled children. Bank robbers often spend a good deal of time (reconnoitering) the neighborhood in which the bank they intend to rob is located. Though Americans are always ready to settle a conflict peacefully, they are not afraid to use (peremptory) force when necessary. How could you have the heart to (rebuff) those people’s piteous appeals for aid? By a happy (concatenation) of events, the right boy, the right girl, and the right music came together on the dance floor that night. Over the years, her (luminous) explanations and scintillating wit have helped her students master the difficult subject she taught. At the autocrat’s court, free speech is usually replaced by the (obsequious) twaddle of self-serving flunkies and toadies. Though I admire the woman’s strong points, I find her (foibles) laughable. The (penitent) youths agreed to work without pay until they could make restitution for the damage their carelessness had caused. Even though my experiences in battle have (inured) me to scenes of suffering, I was horrified by the devastation wrought by the tornado. Somehow or other, a bull got into the china shop and turned it into a complete (shambles).

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