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New Chapter 5

Uploaded: 7 years ago
Contributor: megggggggan
Category: Education
Type: Lecture Notes
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Tell me something you read about in Chapter 5! Use scratch paper and WRITE YOUR NAME ON IT!!!! Don’t turn in a paper if you don’t have anything to share. Chapter 5 Educational Philosophy: The Intellectual Foundations of American Education Philosophy and Teacher Professionalism All professions have philosophical underpinnings. Educational philosophy is one important aspect of teacher’s professional knowledge. Theories attempt to describe phenomena in the physical world; philosophies, by contrast, involve the study of knowledge, truth, existence, and morality. Elements of Professionalism in Allie & Brad’s Philosophies Major Branches of Philosophy Epistemology examines questions of how we come to know what we know. Metaphysics, or ontology, considers the nature of reality. Axiology considers questions of values and ethics. Logic examines the processes of deriving valid conclusions from basic principles. Philosophies of Education Perennialism suggests that nature, including human nature, is constant. Essentialism emphasizes a critical core of knowledge and skills that all students should learn. Progressivism focuses on real-world problem solving and individual development. Social Reconstructionism contends that schools, teachers, and students should play role in addressing the social inequities in our society. Classroom Application of Educational Philosophies Psychology & Educational Philosophy Behaviorism Suggests that people primarily respond to influences (reinforcers & punishers) in their environments Constructivism Suggests that students construct their own unique & idiosyncratic view of the world when they attempt to make sense of their experiences Cognitive Psychology View that people are mentally active as they gather, organize, & and store information Humanistic Psychology View that emphasizes the whole person’s development, including physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and aesthetic dimensions Standards and Essential Knowledge The current emphasis on standards is based largely on essentialism, the belief that there is a critical core of knowledge all students should master. Advocates of standards (and essentialism) believe that the major role of schools should be to ensure that all students master a core of knowledge. Critics of standards (and essentialism) respond that most crucial knowledge is learned through rote memorization, soon becoming forgotten or inert, and fails to influence students’ current or future lives. Developing Your Philosophy of Education Philosophy can guide practice and help you explain and defend your educational goals. The process of developing a philosophy begins with examining your own beliefs about teaching, learning, and students. An analysis of educational philosophies can assist teachers in forming their own personal, and probably eclectic, personal philosophy. An Analysis of Allie’s Philosophy of Education Philosophies of Education in Urban Environments Because of the challenges involved in urban teaching, developing a coherent philosophy of education is even more important. Beliefs, both positive and negative, about urban learners can have profound influences on urban teachers and the way they teach.

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