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QSEN Competencies
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Category: Medicine
Type: Outline
Tags: patient, health, clinical, patients, safety, information, communication, quality, effective, values, evidence, practice, strategies, preferences, support
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Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice, 3rd Edition
QSEN Competencies
Patient-centered Care
Definition: Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs.
Integrate understanding of multiple dimensions of patient centered care:
patient/family/community preferences, values
coordination and integration of care
information, communication, and education
physical comfort and emotional support
involvement of family and friends
transition and continuity
Describe how diverse cultural, ethnic and social backgrounds function as sources of patient, family, and community values
Elicit patient values, preferences and expressed needs as part of clinical interview, implementation of care plan and evaluation of care
Communicate patient values, preferences and expressed needs to other members of health care team
Provide patient-centered care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience
Value seeing health care situations "through patients' eyes"
Respect and encourage individual expression of patient values, preferences and expressed needs
Value the patient's expertise with own health and symptoms
Seek learning opportunities with patients who represent all aspects of human diversity
Recognize personally held attitudes about working with patients from different ethnic, cultural and social backgrounds
Willingly support patient-centered care for individuals and groups whose values differ from own
Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of the concepts of pain and suffering, including physiologic models of pain and comfort.
Assess presence and extent of pain and suffering
Assess levels of physical and emotional comfort
Elicit expectations of patient & family for relief of pain, discomfort, or suffering
Initiate effective treatments to relieve pain and suffering in light of patient values, preferences and expressed needs
Recognize personally held values and beliefs about the management of pain or suffering
Appreciate the role of the nurse in relief of all types and sources of pain or suffering
Recognize that patient expectations influence outcomes in management of pain or suffering
Examine how the safety, quality and cost effectiveness of health care can be improved through the active involvement of patients and families
Examine common barriers to active involvement of patients in their own health care processes
Describe strategies to empower patients or families in all aspects of the health care process
Remove barriers to presence of families and other designated surrogates based on patient preferences
Assess level of patient's decisional conflict and provide access to resources
Engage patients or designated surrogates in active partnerships that promote health, safety and well-being, and self-care management
Value active partnership with patients or designated surrogates in planning, implementation, and evaluation of care
Respect patient preferences for degree of active engagement in care process
Respect patient's right to access to personal health records
Explore ethical and legal implications of patient-centered care
Describe the limits and boundaries of therapeutic patient-centered care
Recognize the boundaries of therapeutic relationships
Facilitate informed patient consent for care
Acknowledge the tension that may exist between patient rights and the organizational responsibility for professional, ethical care
Appreciate shared decision-making with empowered patients and families, even when conflicts occur
Discuss principles of effective communication
Describe basic principles of consensus building and conflict resolution
Examine nursing roles in assuring coordination, integration, and continuity of care
Assess own level of communication skill in encounters with patients and families
Participate in building consensus or resolving conflict in the context of patient care
Communicate care provided and needed at each transition in care
Value continuous improvement of own communication and conflict resolution skills
Definition: Function effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care.
Describe own strengths, limitations, and values in functioning as a member of a team
Demonstrate awareness of own strengths and limitations as a team member
Initiate plan for self-development as a team member
Act with integrity, consistency and respect for differing views
Acknowledge own potential to contribute to effective team functioning
Appreciate importance of intra- and inter-professional collaboration
Describe scopes of practice and roles of health care team members
Describe strategies for identifying and managing overlaps in team member roles and accountabilities
Recognize contributions of other individuals and groups in helping patient/family achieve health goals
Function competently within own scope of practice as a member of the health care team
Assume role of team member or leader based on the situation
Initiate requests for help when appropriate to situation
Clarify roles and accountabilities under conditions of potential overlap in team member functioning
Integrate the contributions of others who play a role in helping patient/family achieve health goals
Value the perspectives and expertise of all health team members
Respect the centrality of the patient/family as core members of any health care team
Respect the unique attributes that members bring to a team, including variations in professional orientations and accountabilities
Analyze differences in communication style preferences among patients and families, nurses and other members of the health team
Describe impact of own communication style on others
Discuss effective strategies for communicating and resolving conflict
Communicate with team members, adapting own style of communicating to needs of the team and situation
Demonstrate commitment to team goals
Solicit input from other team members to improve individual, as well as team, performance
Initiate actions to resolve conflict
Value teamwork and the relationships upon which it is based
Value different styles of communication used by patients, families and health care providers
Contribute to resolution of conflict and disagreement
Describe examples of the impact of team functioning on safety and quality of care
Explain how authority gradients influence teamwork and patient safety
Follow communication practices that minimize risks associated with handoffs among providers and across transitions in care
Assert own position/perspective in discussions about patient care
Choose communication styles that diminish the risks associated with authority gradients among team members
Appreciate the risks associated with handoffs among providers and across transitions in care
Identify system barriers and facilitators of effective team functioning
Examine strategies for improving systems to support team functioning
Participate in designing systems that support effective teamwork
Value the influence of system solutions in achieving effective team functioning
Definition: Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care.
Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes
Describe EBP to include the components of research evidence, clinical expertise and patient/family values.
Participate effectively in appropriate data collection and other research activities
Adhere to Institutional Review Board (IRB) guidelines
Base individualized care plan on patient values, clinical expertise and evidence
Appreciate strengths and weaknesses of scientific bases for practice
Value the need for ethical conduct of research and quality improvement
Value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice
Differentiate clinical opinion from research and evidence summaries
Describe reliable sources for locating evidence reports and clinical practice guidelines
Read original research and evidence reports related to area of practice
Locate evidence reports related to clinical practice topics and guidelines
Appreciate the importance of regularly reading relevant professional journals
Explain the role of evidence in determining best clinical practice
Describe how the strength and relevance of available evidence influences the choice of interventions in provision of patient-centered care
Participate in structuring the work environment to facilitate integration of new evidence into standards of practice
Question rationale for routine approaches to care that result in less-than-desired outcomes or adverse events
Value the need for continuous improvement in clinical practice based on new knowledge
Discriminate between valid and invalid reasons for modifying evidence-based clinical practice based on clinical expertise or patient/family preferences
Consult with clinical experts before deciding to deviate from evidence-based protocols
Acknowledge own limitations in knowledge and clinical expertise before determining when to deviate from evidence-based best practices
Definition: Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems.
Describe strategies for learning about the outcomes of care in the setting in which one is engaged in clinical practice
Seek information about outcomes of care for populations served in care setting
Seek information about quality improvement projects in the care setting
Appreciate that continuous quality improvement is an essential part of the daily work of all health professionals
Recognize that nursing and other health professions students are parts of systems of care and care processes that affect outcomes for patients and families
Give examples of the tension between professional autonomy and system functioning
Use tools (such as flow charts, cause-effect diagrams) to make processes of care explicit
Participate in a root cause analysis of a sentinel event
Value own and others' contributions to outcomes of care in local care settings
Explain the importance of variation and measurement in assessing quality of care
Use quality measures to understand performance
Use tools (such as control charts and run charts) that are helpful for understanding variation
Identify gaps between local and best practice
Appreciate how unwanted variation affects care
Value measurement and its role in good patient care
Describe approaches for changing processes of care
Design a small test of change in daily work (using an experiential learning method such as Plan-Do-Study-Act)
Practice aligning the aims, measures and changes involved in improving care
Use measures to evaluate the effect of change
Value local change (in individual practice or team practice on a unit) and its role in creating joy in work
Appreciate the value of what individuals and teams can to do to improve care
Definition: Minimizes risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance.
Examine human factors and other basic safety design principles as well as commonly used unsafe practices (such as, work-arounds and dangerous abbreviations)
Describe the benefits and limitations of selected safety-enhancing technologies (such as, barcodes, Computer Provider Order Entry, medication pumps, and automatic alerts/alarms)
Discuss effective strategies to reduce reliance on memory
Demonstrate effective use of technology and standardized practices that support safety and quality
Demonstrate effective use of strategies to reduce risk of harm to self or others
Use appropriate strategies to reduce reliance on memory (such as. forcing functions, checklists)
Value the contributions of standardization/reliability to safety
Appreciate the cognitive and physical limits of human performance
Delineate general categories of errors and hazards in care
Describe factors that create a culture of safety (such as, open communication strategies and organizational error reporting systems)
Communicate observations or concerns related to hazards and errors to patients, families and the health care team
Use organizational error reporting systems for near miss and error reporting
Value own role in preventing errors
Describe processes used in understanding causes of error and allocation of responsibility and accountability (such as, root cause analysis and failure mode effects analysis)
Participate appropriately in analyzing errors and designing system improvements
Engage in root cause analysis rather than blaming when errors or near misses occur
Value vigilance and monitoring (even of own performance of care activities) by patients, families, and other members of the health care team
Discuss potential and actual impact of national patient safety resources, initiatives and regulations
Use national patient safety resources for own professional development and to focus attention on safety in care settings
Value relationship between national safety campaigns and implementation in local practices and practice settings
Definition: Use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making.
Explain why information and technology skills are essential for safe patient care
Seek education about how information is managed in care settings before providing care
Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care
Appreciate the necessity for all health professionals to seek lifelong, continuous learning of information technology skills
Identify essential information that must be available in a common database to support patient care
Contrast benefits and limitations of different communication technologies and their impact on safety and quality
Navigate the electronic health record
Document and plan patient care in an electronic health record
Employ communication technologies to coordinate care for patients
Value technologies that support clinical decision-making, error prevention, and care coordination
Protect confidentiality of protected health information in electronic health records
Describe examples of how technology and information management are related to the quality and safety of patient care
Recognize the time, effort, and skill required for computers, databases and other technologies to become reliable and effective tools for patient care
Respond appropriately to clinical decision-making supports and alerts
Use information management tools to monitor outcomes of care processes
Use high quality electronic sources of healthcare information
Value nurses' involvement in design, selection, implementation, and evaluation of information technologies to support patient care
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