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GO! with Microsoft Word 2013 Comprehensive

University of Florida : UF
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Answer Key for Week 4
Word 2013 Chapter 4 Answer Key for Matching and Multiple Choice Matching 1. A group of formatting commands, such as font, font size, font color, paragraph alignment, and line spacing. L. Style 2. The process of applying each format separately to text, for example bold, then font size, then font color, and so on. F. Direct formatting 3. A group of styles that are designed to work together. M. Style set 4. A formatting feature that keeps a heading with its first paragraph of text on the same page. H. Keep with next 5. A formatting feature that prevents a single line from displaying by itself at the bottom of a page or at the top of a page. G. Keep lines together 6. A pane that displays a list of styles and contains tools to manage styles. N. Styles window 7. A style, indicated by the symbol a, that contains formatting characteristics that you apply to text—for example, font name, font size, font color, bold emphasis, and so on. C. Character style 8. A style, indicated by the symbol ¶, that includes everything that a character style contains, plus all aspects of a paragraph’s appearance—for example text alignment, tab stops, or line spacing. K. Paragraph style 9. A written message sent to someone working in the same organization. J. Memo 10. A collection of settings that you can change to customize Word. O. Word Options 11. A visual representation of numerical data. D. Chart 12. A chart type used to show a comparison among related data. A. Bar 13. In Excel, the location where a row and column meet. B. Cell 14. A Word feature that controls the manner in which text wraps around a chart. I. Layout Options 15. A formatting feature that adds, removes, or changes chart elements such as the legend, gridlines, and data labels. E. Chart Elements Multiple Choice 1. What is the default style in Word for a new document that determines the basic look of the document? C. Normal 2. The feature that automatically changes the capitalization of selected text is: A. Change Case 3. What feature displays a formatted selection of text and displays a complete description of the formats applied to the selection? B. Reveal Formatting 4. A multilevel list displays items in a: C. hierarchical structure 5. In order to attach a template to a document, you must display the: B. DEVELOPER tab 6. Numbers that represent facts are referred to as: A. numerical data 7. To show a comparison among related data, use a: C. column chart 8. The process of inserting an object, such as a chart, into a Word document so that it becomes part of the document is: A. embedding 9. In a Chart in Microsoft Word worksheet, the group of cells that is used to create a chart is the: B. chart data range 10. The Y-axis that displays along the left side of a chart is also referred to as the: C. vertical axis 11. The shapes in a chart that represent each of the cells that contain numerical data are: B. data markers 12. The part of a chart that identifies the colors assigned to each data series or category is the: A. legend 13. The overall visual look of a chart in terms of its graphic effects, colors, and backgrounds is the: B. chart style 14. What is the Word feature that displays commands to define what data points and names display on a chart? B. Chart Filters 15. What file extension is used when you save a chart as a template? C. crtx

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