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Analytical recommendation report for English 1600

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Analytical recommendation report assignment for English 1600 at Missouri University of Science and Technology
Best Practices for Chemical Spills Prepared for: Richard Charles, CEO of Bridgeford Industries Prepared by: Mary Velasquez, Assistant Director of Public Relations of Bridgeford Industries Date: May 21, 2014 Introduction On May 6th one of our trucks spilled toluene diisocyanate (TDI) on Highway 43 after a valve was not fully closed by a driver. We lost around 2000 gallons of TDI waste across a 10 mile stretch of the highway. The purpose of this report is to present the best practices to include in creating a new chemical spill policy for Bridgeford industries. I will research and recommend the best items to include in a new chemical spills policy. They include: The use of the spilled Chemicals SDS The University of California’s list on when not to clean up a spill The EPAs website to define if the spill is an environmental violation or an environmental emergency Contacting the appropriate state/local officials like the Missouri Environmental Emergency Response My findings are important because they bring up important points and practices to safely and effectively manage a chemical spill. They can help to inform first responders and our employees of the dangers and precautions of the spilled chemical. Without On May 6th between the hours of 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm, one of our tank trucks was loaded with TDI waste at our Bridgeford plant. It then departed on its 10-mile trip down Highway 43 to our Uline plant. Upon arriving at the plant, the driver exited the truck and noticed a valve ajar and leaking, he promptly closed it and contacted Vincent Helms, our Transportation Supervisor. The residual will include my Methodology, how I conducted my research on the topic. Results, one paragraph of each conclusion I’ve come to from my research. Conclusions and recommendations, the conclusions of the recommendations I’ve come from my research. Appendix, a list of sources in IEEE Methodology My approach to conducting research was very important. This consisted of researching different topics about chemical spills on the internet from a variety of different sources. There were many places to go for information, but I began Looking up different key phrases like “chemical spill cleanup” and “Missouri chemical spill” on the internet. This resulted in many different sources of information. Many results from “chemical spill cleanup” were from different universities publishing their chemical spill procedures in their laboratories. This information was only for small quantities and entirely relevant to our situation. However, one section from the University of California did apply, it mentioned when not to clean up a chemical. This could be useful in some situations to protect our employees. The results from “Missouri chemical spill” resulted in many different new articles but another was the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Emergency Response. They have a number to call in case of an environmental emergency and many past examples of situations they have responded to. One such situation was an ethanol tanker truck accident by a creek in St. Genevieve County. This seemed somewhat like the incident we have experienced. This research method was effective but possibly did not touch on all the specific information necessary. For example, legal and financial consultants could inform us of the best legal and financial action to take for the betterment of the company. Another possible perspective that is not considered is of the people affected by the spill. Results Among all my research the main point is to look up an SDS and to contact the appropriate state or government officials to get further information and guidance on how to proceed with the situation. If the spilled chemical is known, look up the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and refer to the recommended cleanup procedure for that specific chemical. According to OSHA, an “SDS includes information such as the properties of each chemical; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical.” [4]. This can provide crucial information in the event of a spill like the possible hazards, ingredients, and most importantly the accidental release measures. According to the University of California you should not clean up a spill if you don’t know what the spilled material is, you lack the necessary protection or equipment to do the job safely, the spill is too large to contain, the spilled material is highly toxic, you feel any symptoms of exposure [3]. Following these guidelines can help protect our employees from possible danger and/or harm. The EPAs website defines what is an environmental violation and what’s an environmental emergency see [5]. This is an important resource because it can help in the decision of who to contact and how to proceed with the situation. In the case of Missouri’s department of natural resources has a section called the Environmental Emergency Response (EER). Their “responsibilities include addressing any material released to land, water or atmosphere that may impact the environment and public health.” [1]. This is the appropriate organization to contact in the case of the accident occurring in Missouri. Conclusion and Recommendations Based on these findings I conclude that you should look up the SDS, identify if its an emergency or a violation, then contact the appropriate state/local department. I am recommending the use of 4 things: The Chemicals SDS The University of California’s list on when not to clean up a spill The EPAs website to decide if it's an environmental violation or an environmental emergency to know if it is a serious matter Contacting the appropriate state/local officials about the spill and seeking further advice My recommendations in this report are import to the development of the new chemical spill policy of Bridgeford industries. They provide crucial information on how to classify a chemical spill then possible resources to inform about the incident and provide further information about the cleanup procedure. Appendix A: Resources [1] "Missouri Department of Natural Resources",, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11- Oct- 2018]. [2] "Chemical Spill Procedures | Office of Environmental Health and Safety",, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11- Oct- 2018]. [3] "Recommended Chemical Spill Cleanup Procedures | Environmental Health & Safety",, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11- Oct- 2018]. [4] "Hazard Communication Standard: Safety Data Sheets - OSHA 3514 | Occupational Safety and Health Administration",, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11- Oct- 2018]. [5] "How to Report Spills and Environmental Violations | US EPA", US EPA, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11- Oct- 2018]. [6] "Cleanup Laws, Regulations and Guidance | US EPA", US EPA, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11- Oct- 2018].

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