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Outline | Approved: A year ago | 2.17 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...along three lineages, called domains. The 3...
...3 domains are called Bacteria, Archaea, &...
...chemical energy are called phototrophs. Phototrophic organisms...
...extreme conditions are called extremophiles, meaning “lovers...
...of the cell called the nucleoid. Most... a procedure called Gram staining. 2996854270623800The... a process called binary fission. The...
...In a process called transformation, the cell...
...A.D., an outbreak called the plague of...
...Staphylococcus aureus, often called “staph,” is a...
...Plantae historically were called protists & were... a process called phagocytosis, in which...
...sac, or vesicle, called a food vacuole....
...This phenomenon is called convergent evolution. The...
...causing a disease called downy mildew. Grape...
...fixation. Photosynthetic dinoflagellates called zooxanthellae pass on... a process called coral bleaching, &...
...a fungus is called a thallus and...
...slender thread-like structures called hyphae (singular, hypha),...
...of hyphae is called mycelium. It can... end walls called septa (singular, septum)....
...Dermatophytes are also called “ringworms” because of... a sheath (called a mantle) &...
N/A 76
Lecture Notes | Approved: 6 years ago | 2.6 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Sociology | Downloaded: 0
...a g roup called females or with...
...with a group called males when we...
...society. Co mte called this new science...
...England, is sometimes called the second founder... survive. Spencer called this principle “the...
...of capitalism, has called him one of...
...the political system called communism. This is...
...of capitalism. Weber called this self-denying approach... what are called subjective meanings, the...
...stressed what he called social facts. By...
...a profes sion called social work; people...
...a group he called the power elite—the...
...journals. This is called basic (or pure)...
...a conceptual framework called a theory. A...
N/A 201
Lecture Notes | Approved: 6 years ago | 91.87 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Ecology | Downloaded: 1
...(voltage), which is called the PV effect...
N/A 186
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 51.66 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Chemistry | Downloaded: 0 injured, substances called ________ are released....
...and properties is called a ________. Answer:...
...element carbon is called ________. Answer: organic...
...into gold was called ________. Answer: the...
...prevent spoilage are called ________. Answer: antioxidants...
N/A 151
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 31 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Engineering | Downloaded: 0
...and storage is called a(n): (p. 117)... heat is called a(n): (p.117 )...
...changes it is called a: (p.123 )...
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 150.92 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...cancerous cells is called a tumour. There...
...It is now called a plantlet The...
N/A 159
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 34.6 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...up functional units called organs, and groups...
...tiles). Some epithelia, called glandular epithelia, absorb...
...a slimy solution called mucus that lubricates...
...of a substance called chondroitin sulfate, a...
...of repeating units called osteons. Each osteon... a liquid called plasma, consisting of...
...and cell fragments called platelets. Red cells...
...or more extensions, called dendrites and axons....
...of long cells called muscle fibers that...
...muscle is also called striated muscle because...
...of connective tissues called mesenteries in body...
...sheet of muscle called the diaphragm. In...
...and shape, often called body plans or...
...same basic shape, called a fusiform shape....
...of vertebrates is called the interstitial fluid.... microscopic vessels called capillaries. Bernard also...
...the control center, called a thermostat, also...
...of time is called its metabolic rate... stress is called the basal metabolic...
...nonstressed ectotherm is called its standard metabolic...
N/A 281
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 124.53 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...constant internal environment called homeostasis. Homeostatic mechanisms...
...and it is called endothelium. Structurally endothelial...
...consists of units called osteons. This tissue...
...communicate at junctions called synapses. A nerve...
...lacunae, and are called osteocytes. Osteoclasts digest...
...Muscle cells are called fibers. Muscle fibers...
...grouped into bundles called fascicles. Fascicles are...
...many inward extensions called T tubules (transverse...
...and contractile units called sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are...
...two globular structures called heads and a...
...Nerve cells are called neurons. These cells...
...the CNS are called afferent or sensory...
...cells are sometimes called collectively neuroglia. Vertebrates...
...around the axon called neurilemma, and an...
...myelin sheath are called nodes of Ranvier....
...Nerve cells are called neurons. A typical...
...have thorny projections called dendrite spines. The...
...many terminal branches called axon terminals with...
...another neuron is called a synapse. A...
...of axons are called tracts or pathways....
...bodies form masses called ganglia. Inside the...
...membrane. It is called the resting or...
...a flow equilibrium called equilibrium potential, at...
...applied. This is called the absolute refractory...
...of conduction is called saltatory conduction. It...
...from motor neurons called cholinergic neurons. Norepinephrine,...
...within membrane-bound sacs called synaptic vesicles. Neurotransmitters...
...channels. They are called ligand-gated ion channels....
...potential change is called inhibitory postsynaptic potential... a process called summation to produce...
...the cerebrum are called convolutions or gyri...
...(gyrus). Furrows are called sulci (sulcus) is...
...intensity. This is called sensory adaptation. Receptors... all are called tonic receptors. Those...
...have gravity receptors called statocysts. Infolding of...
...of hair cells called the crista ....
...on their head called the ampullae of...
...of the pigments called rhodopsins to absorb...
...flatworms. Eyespots are called ocelli, a bowl...
...with viscous fluid called the vitreous body....
...a G protein called transducin. In turn...
...between the cell, called interstitial fluid or...
...remaining liquid is called serum. Plasma proteins:...
...very large cells called megakaryocytes in the...
...of arteries are called arterioles, and of...
...small muscular pouch called the auricle. The...
...left AV is called the mitral valve....
...are dense bands called intercalated discs, gap...
...the heart is called systole, and the... a graph called the electrocardiogram (ECG...
...capillaries and is called lymph. Lymph capillaries...
...the nose are called adenoids. When blood...
...Disease-causing microorganisms are called pathogens. They include...
...response. They are called antigens. An immune...
...and by substances called histamines released by...
...of genes is called the major histocompatibility...
...antibody-mediated immunity, also called humoral immunity. Antibody...
...the antigen is called the Fab region,...
...cell. This is called neutralization. The antigen-antibody...
...phagocytosis. This is called opsonization. Clumping of...
...phagocytosis. This is called agglutination. Antibodies can...
...phagocytes. This is called precipitation. The antigen-antibody...
...cell. This is called complement fixation. Microbes...
...This procedure is called xenotransplantation. Animals can...
...harmless. Mild antigens called allergens cause allergic...
...its environment is called respiration. Organismic respiration...
...20 tiny openings called spiracles. Gills containing... a protein called globin. Protein portion...
...system. Larynx also called "voice box" contains... rest is called tidal volume: ~... hemoglobin is called the oxygen carrying...
...stomach wall are called rugae and are...
...tiny finger-like projections called villi. Microvilli are...
...protein covered globules called chylomicrons. Chylomicrons pass...
...fiber. Polysaccharides are called complex carbohydrates by...
...The process is called ?-oxidation. Glycerol is...
...the diet are called essential amino acids....
...these habitats are called osmoregulators. EXCRETORY SYSTEM...
...the kidney is called the renal cortex...
...of cone-shaped structures called renal pyramids. At... reabsorbed is called its tubular transport...
...cells. This is called paracrine regulation. Interleukins...
...Amino acid derivatives called amines, e.g. thyroid,...
...or GHIH also called somatostatin. 2. Anterior... produce peptides called somatomedins including insulin-like...
...or GHIH also called somatostatin. Both are...
...male gamete is called sperm or spermatozoid....
...female gamete is called ovum (pl. ova)....
...through a process called spermatogenesis. Sparmatogenesis occurs...
...of erectile tissue called cavernous bodies. This...
...layer of glycoproteins called the zona pellucida....
...external genitalia are called collectively the vulva....
...thick glycoprotein layer called the jelly coat...
...membrane. Species-specific proteins called bindin, located on...
...swell and are called pronuclei. They fuse...
...These cells are called blastomeres. At about...
...a solid ball called morula. Eventually a... and is called the animal pole....
...pole. This is called meroblastic cleavage. In...
...cavity formed is called the archenteron. This...
...the opening is called the blastopore. In...
N/A 253
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 101.77 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...form and are called anisogametes. Other characteristics...
...and algae are called herbivores. There is...
...genetics A gene called Manx is involved...
...same embryonic cells called the neural crest...
...environment. This is called acclimation. E.g. North...
...consists of units called osteons. This tissue...
...communicate at junctions called synapses. A nerve...
...constant internal environment called homeostasis. Homeostatic mechanisms...
...specialized heat-producing tissue called brown adipose tissue....
...These substances are called electrolytes because they...
...electrolyte balance is called osmoregulation. Freshwater fish...
...of nitrogen-containing polysaccharides called chitin, and proteins....
...atmosphere through openings called spiracles. Muscles just...
...their blood-like fluid called hemolymph. Nutrients pass...
...the kidney is called the renal cortex...
...of cone-shaped structures called renal pyramids. At...
...through membrane proteins called aquaporins. Osmotic gradient...
...8 AA are called essential amino acids....
...stomach wall are called rugae and are...
...tiny finger-like projections called villi. Microvilli are...
...protein covered globules called chylomicrons. Chylomicrons pass..., this is called ram ventilation. Counter...
...20 tiny openings called spiracles. The tracheal...
...system. Larynx also called "voice box" contains... rest is called tidal volume: ~...
...remaining liquid is called serum. Plasma proteins:...
...oxygen. This is called cooperative binding. CO2...
...between the cell, called interstitial fluid or...
...of arteries are called arterioles, and of...
...small muscular pouch called the auricle. The...
...left AV is called the mitral valve....
...the heart is called systole, and the...
...are dense bands called intercalated discs, gap... a graph called the electrocardiogram (ECG...
...capillaries and is called lymph. Lymph capillaries...
...the nose is called adenoids. When blood...
...Nerve cells are called neurons. These cells...
...the CNS are called afferent or sensory...
...Nerve cells are called neurons. A typical...
...have thorny projections called dendrite spines. The...
...many terminal branches called axon terminals with...
...another neuron is called a synapse. A...
...of axons are called tracts or pathways....
...bodies form masses called ganglia. Inside the...
...around the axon called neurilemma, and an...
...myelin sheath are called nodes of Ranvier....
...cell membrane is called a membrane potential....
...membrane. It is called the resting or...
...a flow equilibrium called equilibrium potential, at...
...within membrane-bound sacs called synaptic vesicles. Neurotransmitters...
...channels. They are called ligand-gated ion channels.... state is called an excitatory postsynaptic...
...hyperpolarized state is called an inhibitory postsynaptic...
...potential. This is called summation. The action...
...of hair cells called the crista ....
...of the pigments called rhodopsins to absorb...
...flatworms. Eyespots are called ocelli, a bowl...
...with viscous fluid called the vitreous body....
...a G protein called transducin. In turn...
...Muscle cells are called fibers. Muscle fibers...
...grouped into bundles called fascicles. Fascicles are...
...many inward extensions called T tubules (transverse...
...and contractile units called sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are...
...two globular structures called heads and a...
...Sex organs are called gonads; testes are...
...male gamete is called sperm or spermatozoid....
...female gamete is called ovum (pl. ova)....
...of gametes is called fertilization and produces... a structure called the spermatophore, which...
...through a process called spermatogenesis. Spermatogenesis occurs...
...of erectile tissue called cavernous bodies. This...
...layer of glycoproteins called the zona pellucida....
...external genitalia are called collectively the vulva....
...Disease-causing microorganisms are called pathogens. They include...
...response. They are called antigens. An immune...
...and by substances called histamines released by...
...immune response are called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are...
...a selected region called the epitope. An...
...antibody-mediated immunity, also called humoral immunity. Antibody...
...the lymph nodes called the germinal center....
N/A 246
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 39.7 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...mammals, a hormone called leptin, produced by...
...species. Small seabirds called petrels fly long...
...compartment, a process called absorption. During elimination,...
...with single openings, called gastrovascular cavities. For...
...a slippery glycoprotein called mucin, which protects...
...into a ball called a bolus. During...
...The pharynx, also called the throat, is...
...a digestive fluid called gastric juice and... inactive form, called pepsinogen by specialized... of enzymes called nucleases hydrolyzes DNA...
...bear fingerlike projections called villi, and each...
...many microscopic appendages called microvilli that are...
...the lymphatic system called a lacteal. Nutrients...
...form small globules called chylomicrons. The capillaries...
...Other hormones, collectively called enterogastrones, are secreted... a pouch called the cecum. The...
...the colon is called the rectum, where...
N/A 155
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