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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 99.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
.../extension: Nodding Minimal rotation and lateral flexion...
...80% of axial rotation in cervical spine...
...of neck motion Rotation 5080 degrees to...
...hyoid, assists cervical rotation with side-bending Stylohyoid...
...head, unilaterally assists rotation of head to...
...head, unilaterally assists rotation of head to...
...Extends head, assists rotation to same side...
N/A 209
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 103 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...and contrast axial rotation and terminal rotation...
...rotation and terminal rotation of the knee....
...flexion to allow rotation Muscular tendons around... lordotickyphotic postures Rotation of knee Axial...
...of knee Axial rotation: tibia rotates with...
...40 degrees laterally Rotation only occurs during...
...during flexion Terminal rotation: screw home mechanism...
...move anteriorly During rotation menisci move opposite...
...and assists medial rotation, extends hip and...
...and assists medial rotation Semitendinosus: Tendon inserts...
...and assists medial rotation, extends hip and...
...and assists medial rotation Other muscles acting...
...flexion and medial rotation Gracilis: Assists flexion...
...knee from terminal rotation Tendon attaches to... coming from rotation in the hips,...
N/A 196
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 146 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...plane Lateral (external) rotation Medial (internal) rotation...
...rotation Medial (internal) rotation Right or left...
...Right or left rotation of spine Backward...
...Backward or forward rotation of pelvis Horizontal...
...of flexion, extension, rotation Supination: Motion that...
...Upward and downward rotation: Motion that turns...
...actively, moved Example: rotation in fingers and...
...degrees Firm Lateral rotation 40 degrees only...
...flexion Firm Medial rotation 30 degrees only...
...degrees Firm Lateral rotation 45 degrees Firm...
...degrees Firm Medial rotation 45 degrees Firm...
...degrees 95 degrees Rotation 5080 degrees 30...
...each side Firm Rotation 5080 degrees to...
...degrees Firm Lateral rotation 45 degrees Firm...
...degrees Firm Medial rotation 45 degrees Firm...
N/A 192
Solutions | Approved: 8 years ago | 1.64 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Physics | Downloaded: 0
...An axis of rotation must be defined...
...your axis of rotation. Its direction will...
...the center of rotation is constant. The...
...the center of rotation and perpendicular to...
...again slows her rotation. Q11.13 Suppose we...
...from axis of rotation, so moment of...
...and gives unstable rotation. Q11.20 The suitcase...
...the axis of rotation is given by...
...the axis of rotation. bg240 025 04...
...will slow the rotation of the Earth...
...Earth (due to rotation on its axis)...
...the axis of rotation AB. To do...
N/A 283
Solutions | Approved: 8 years ago | 1.16 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Physics | Downloaded: 0
...the wall (clockwise rotation). 0. 30 Rotational...
...not known. 286 Rotation of a Rigid...
...stubbornness against changing rotation. Now change the...
...none, then no rotation would occur and...
...t=300. s 288 Rotation of a Rigid...
...the start. 290 Rotation of a Rigid...
...0290. m 292 Rotation of a Rigid...
...FIG. P10.21 294 Rotation of a Rigid...
...mL MMM mmm rotation passes through x=...
...the axis of rotation the z-axis. 1... axis of rotation 2 z 1...
...the axis of rotation. The total rotational...
...distance from the rotation axis of the...
...2 2 296 Rotation of a Rigid...
...without slipping. 298 Rotation of a Rigid...
...70.0 N 300 Rotation of a Rigid...
...times 234. 302 Rotation of a Rigid...
...s K 304 Rotation of a Rigid...
...the loop. 306 Rotation of a Rigid...
...maintain a constant rotation rate is P==???total...
...4 4 308 Rotation of a Rigid...
...HmM+2 K 310 Rotation of a Rigid...
...the planet’s counterclockwise rotation. (c) ?=Fd. Suppose...
...rads 105. 312 Rotation of a Rigid...
...11:01:41 11:29:05 314 Rotation of a Rigid...
...2 3Mg 316 Rotation of a Rigid...
...N ejQ 318 Rotation of a Rigid... a pure rotation about a fixed...
...= 3M 320 Rotation of a Rigid...
...Rolling is instantaneous rotation about the contact... page 322 Rotation of a Rigid... 3 324 Rotation of a Rigid...
N/A 250
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