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World of Psychology, 7th - Chapter 5 Quiz 1.doc

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Name _____________________________________________________________ Chapter 5 - Quick Quiz 1 1. As an infant, Stephanie received many penicillin injections from the doctor. When she later saw a photographer in a white coat that was similar to the doctor’s coat, she started to cry. This is an example of __________ a) instrumental learning. b) observational learning. c) classical conditioning. d) habituation. 2. The tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus is called __________ a) stimulus generalization. b) stimulus adaptation. c) response generalization. d) transfer of habit strength. 3. The current view of why classical conditioning works the way it does, advanced by Rescorla and others, adds the concept of __________ to conditioning theory. a) generalization b) habituation c) memory loss d) prediction 4. What would be the worst thing to do if you were a recovering drug addict? move to another city to start a new job head out on the town with your old friends take on the challenge of a new job develop a new interest or hobby 5. Edward Thorndike’s law of effect formed the conceptual structure of __________ Pavlov’s formulation of classical conditioning. Watson’s research with Little Albert. Skinner’s work in operant conditioning. Ader’s research with rats. 6. A __________ reinforcer is any reward that satisfies a basic, biological need, such as hunger, thirst, or touch. a) primary b) negative c) positive d) secondary 7. Sarah’s parents are trying to use operant conditioning to toilet train her. Sarah is awarded three M&M candies every time she successfully uses the bathroom. For this technique to work most effectively, Sarah’s parents should reinforce the desired behavior __________ immediately after each successful occasion. after a short delay. within thirty minutes of Sarah’s using the bathroom. when Sarah requests the candy. 8. People who are exposed repeatedly to unpleasant events over which they have no control may become passively resigned to those outcomes. This is called __________ avoidance learning. learned helplessness. extinction. cognitive dissonance. 9. The “aha!” experience is known as __________ a) latent learning. b) insight learning. c) thoughtful learning. d) serial enumeration. 10. Observational learning theory’s foremost proponent is __________ a) Watson. b) Thorndike. c) Skinner. d) Bandura. Chapter 5 - Quick Quiz 1 Answer Key 1. c Explanation: Stephanie’s experience is an example of classical conditioning. (Page 151, Applied, LO 5.1) 2. a Explanation: Responding to a similar stimulus is called stimulus generalization. (Page 154, Factual, LO 5.3) 3. d Explanation: Rescorla explained that animals must make a prediction created by the pairing of a stimulus (or absence of a stimulus) with an unpleasant experience. (Page 157, Conceptual, LO 5.5) 4. b Explanation: Drug counselors try to help recovering addicts change the stimuli in their lives so that they will not be likely to revert back to the same (in this case pathological) responses. (Page 159, Conceptual, LO 5.7) 5. c Explanation: Skinner took the idea that rewarded behaviors would increase and let it be the foundation for his entire theory. (Page 162, Conceptual, LO 5.10) 6. a Explanation: A primary reinforcer satisfies basic, biological needs. (Page 164, Factual, LO 5.11) 7. a Explanation: Reinforcement is most effective if it immediately follows the behavior it is designed to encourage. (Page 167, Applied, LO 5.13) 8. b Explanation: Learned helplessness is Seligman’s term for those who come to believe that they have no influence or control in the events that affect their lives. (Page 172, Conceptual, LO 5.15) 9. b Explanation: The “aha!” experience is known as insight learning. (Page 175, Factual, LO 5.17) 10. d Explanation: Observational learning theory’s foremost proponent is Bandura, and it has contributed greatly to our knowledge of media effects on society. (Page 176, Factual, LO 5.19)

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