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Nursing History Power Point

State University of New York at Cobleskill - SUNY Cobleskill
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Filename:   Nursing & Nursing History 2019(2).pptx (8.95 MB)
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By Barbara Moose RN, MSN Nursing History & Trends Outline I. Explore the historic background of nursing. II. Evolution of nursing & nursing trends III. What is EBP? IV. Define nursing practice as a professional discipline; roles & responsibilities. V. Identify the professional & Legal implications of nursing practice, including the laws affecting nursing practice & nursing code of ethics VI. Investigate your nursing history paper topic? What is a nurse? ANA Scope of Nursing Practice Definition of Nursing: Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations. Nursing’s Social Policy Statement: The Essence of the Profession (ANA, 2010) TC3 Philosophy We believe that people are complex beings who live in constant interaction with their environments. Growth and development, culture and family are universal factors that influence all people. Each individual possesses free will and has the potential for change throughout the life span. Because of these factors, each person is, at the same time, both similar to, and unique from, other people. We strongly believe that each person has inherent worth and deserves to be treated with dignity.   Human health is a dynamic process of achieving and maintaining optimal wellness. People experience their level of wellness within the context of small and large social units such as families, groups, communities, and societies. Within each social unit, individuals and groups have the right to aspire to an optimal level of health. It is the nurse’s role to foster healthy growth and development, to support people’s efforts to achieve and maintain optimal wellness, and to provide assistance to people who are unable to care for their own health needs. In order to be effective caregivers for others, we believe that nurses must also foster their own health, growth, and development. TC3 Student Policy Handbook I. Origin of Nursing Gunter Marx Nursing: The seed of early community service. Richard Tennant Cooper Primitive People Larry Fanning, 2006 Ancient Greek Ancient Medicine Physician Nurse Florence Nightingale History Timeline 250 BC-1st Nursing school in India 1-1500’s- Nursing in a Christian World 1797-Sojourner Truth 1500-1800 -Transition Period 1820-1910- Florence Nightingale 1854-1856- Death rate of British Army reduced from 42% to 2% with nursing care 1859- Notes on Nursing published 1860- Nightingale training school for nurses opens at St. Thomas Hospital, London 1886- The Nightingale, first nursing journal, published Nursing in America 1820-1903- Harriet Tubman 1861-Dorothea Dix 1881- Clara Barton and associates establish the American Red Cross 1893- American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nursing is created 1889-John Hopkins Hospital Training School opens 1890-Rubber gloves worn 1st time in surgery- John Hopkins Hospital 1899- ICN Founded      Nurses During War 1901-Permanent Nurse Corps established as part of the U.S. Army Medical Department 1908- U.S. Navy Nurse Corps founded as part of the Navy 1939- Luther Christman- founder AAMN 1939-1945-WWII-Many women working out of the home 1943- First class of Army flight nurses graduate 1955- First men commissioned as nurses in U.S. 1966- Appointment of male nurses to regular Army, Navy, and Air Force Nurse Corps in U.S. Era of Change 1920s- First doctoral programs in nursing education (EdD) at Teachers College 1950s-1970s Emergence of nursing theoretical and conceptual frameworks 1952- National League for Nursing formed 1953- Team nursing introduced 1969- American Association of Colleges of Nursing established 1970s- Advent of primary nursing 1971- National Black Nurses Association established & American Assembly for men in Nursing is organized 1973- American Academy of Nursing established &North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) formed 1974- Florence Wald and associates found the U.S. hospice movement Research ERa 1986- National Center for Nursing Research (NCNR) founded 1989- International Classification of Nursing Practice (ICNP) projects starts 1990-Term “Evidence Based” first used by David Eddy 1992- International Nursing Center established by American Nurses Association (ANA) 1993-NCNR receives status of institute: National Institute of Nursing Research 1997- National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) established- Now ACEN 2009- International Nurses Day focus is Delivering Quality, Serving Communities: Nurses Leading Care Innovations II. Evolution After reviewing the time line……. What factors have influenced the evolution of nursing? Trends Nursing shortage (bill) EBP Culturally competent care Aging Population Decrease of hospital stay Community Nursing Increase in Chronic health conditions- COPD, C-Diff, MRSA Independent nursing practice Access to Health Care- EMTALA, Civil Rights Act 1964 Science & Technology Trends Leading Health Indicators: Access to health services Clinical preventative services Environmental quality Injury and violence Maternal, infant & child health Mental Health Nutrition, physical activity & obesity Oral health Reproductive & sexual health Social determinants Substance Abuse Tobacco Use Global- WHO? Nicaragua III. Evidence Based Practice IV. Professional Practice 1) Specific & Unique Knowledge 2) Service Orientation 3) Recognize Authority in Professional Group 4) Ongoing Research-EBP 5) Code of Ethics 6) Professional Organizations 7) Autonomy Aims of nursing 1. To promote health- State of optimal Functioning or wellbeing – not just absence of disease. (WHO) 2. To prevent Illness- Reduce risk for illness, promote good health habits, maintain optimal functioning. 3. To restore health- Nurse’s Responsibility to assess & teach levels of prevention. 4. To facilitate coping with a disability or death- Nurses Role to provide ‘comfort’ care. Nursing Process Education Educational Programs UAP- Unlicensed Personnel LPN- Licensed Practical Nurse RN- Registered Nurse Registered Nursing Education: Diploma- 3yr hospital based program ADN- Associates degree in Nursing- 2yr College Program Registered Nurse Baccalaureate Graduate Level Advanced Practice: Nurse Practitioner & Clinical Nurse Specialist Your Role? ANA - Scope & Standards of Practice Caregiver Communicator Teacher Client advocate Counselor Change Agent Researcher Leader Delegation 5 Rights of Delegation 1. Right task 2. Right circumstance 3. Right person 4. Right direction/communication 5. Right supervision/evaluation Organizations American Nurses Association (ANA)- Scope & Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics National League of Nurses (NLN) International Council of Nurses (ICN) Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) Formerly NLNAC The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) NYS Office of Professions (NYSED) Sigma Theta Tau- International Honor Society V. Legal NYS Nurse Practice Act Article 139 Who is protected by the Nurse Practice Act ? The public! Legal Crime Misdemeanor: Fines/imprisonment < 1 year Felony: Prison > 1 year Tort Unintentional: Negligence/Malpractice Intentional: Assault & Battery, defamation of character, fraud, false imprisonment, invasion of privacy, libel& slander Intentional Torts Assault: Threat Battery: Willful, angry, violent carrying out of contact. Defamation of character: remarks that put down another’s character. Slander: Spoken Libel: Written False imprisonment: Fraud: Misrepresentation Invasion of privacy: Ethics Respect Client Autonomy Veracity Proportionality Nonmaleficence Beneficence Justice Fidelity Confidentiality HIPAA Social Media Risks Legal Protections Good Samaritan Act Professional Liability Insurance Carrying out Physicians Orders Competent Care Documentation Incident Reporting Student Responsibilities VI. History Paper Topic? Jose Perez Web sites References Berman, A., Snyder, S.J., Kozier, B., & Geralyn,F. (2016). Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process, Practice. 10th ed. Upper Saddle River: /Prentice Hall. Chitty, K.K. (2001). Professional Nursing: Concepts & Challenges (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. Donahue, M. P. (2011). Nursing The Finest Art: An Illustrated History. Missouri: Mosby Elsevier. Taylor, C.R., Lillis, P., & Lynn, P. (2015). Fundamentals of nursing: The art and science of person -centered nursing care. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters & Kluwer. Questions?

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