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Question 21 

What is the last step in the personal selling process?
A) closing the sale
B) following up
C) meeting customer's needs
D) asking for referrals
E) overcoming objections


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B) To ensure a long-term relationship and repeat business, the salesperson must follow up with the customer to ensure that he or she is happy with his or her new product. Any feedback from the new customer is relayed back to the company as input for improving existing products or designing new ones. Good follow-up service and rapport can give rise to referrals or testimonials that can be used to enhance future sales. Following up is all about building and nurturing relationships.

Question 22 

What is MOST often the lowest cost transportation mode?
A) railroads
B) waterways
C) trucks
D) airways
E) pipelines


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B) Shipping by waterway, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water is the least expensive transportation mode. Airways are the most expensive, trucks are somewhat less expensive than airways, though both use fossil fuels, and railroads are less expensive than either of those methods, yet still more expensive than waterways.

Question 23 

The phrase that BEST describes the purpose of public relations is ________.
A) to persuade potential customers to buy products
B) to create and sustain brand recognition in the eyes of the general public
C) to create and maintain a relationship between the organization and its stakeholders
D) to inform the public about the products and services offered by an organization
E) to determine the appropriate pricing strategy for a line of products


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Question 24 

The advertising campaign "Beef, It's What's for Dinner," is an example of ________.
A) product advertising
B) corporate advertising
C) advocacy advertising
D) business-to-business advertising
E) comparative advertising


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B) Corporate or institutional advertising focuses on creating a positive public response toward an industry, such as the business of promoting the sales of beef products for consumption. There are many products that fall into this category; therefore, it is not product advertising. Advocacy advertising promotes an organization's position on a public issue, however, the consumption of beef is not at this time considered a public issue like clean air or water campaigns. Business-to-business advertising is not directed toward the public and "Beef, It's What's for Dinner" is an advertising campaign directed at individual consumers.

Question 25 

The ________ is the strategic combination of tools used to reach targeted customers to achieve marketing objectives.
A) marketing mix
B) marketing toolbox
C) sales pitch
D) promotional mix
E) target market


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D) The 4 Ps, or marketing mix, include many more factors than just the promotional tools. The marketing toolbox also encompasses a much broader scope of marketing. The sales pitch is one narrow aspect of the marketing approach. The promotional mix, however, does comprise promotional tools that are used to reach targeted customers.

Question 26 

Publicity that is made available to the mass media is an example of ________.
A) controlled messages
B) uncontrolled messages
C) globally integrated messages
D) semi-controlled messages
E) institutional advertising


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 B) Public relations tools can be classified as either controlled, semi-controlled, or uncontrolled by the organization. Controlled messages are created by the organizations internally and the organization decides when the message will be delivered to the targeted audience. Semi-controlled messages are placed on websites, in chat rooms, and on blogs, or they take the form of sponsorships of events, and thus what people say about the company is not regulated. When people view these messages is also not controlled by the organization. Uncontrolled messages generally are in the form of publicity, which is made available to the mass media. The media can then use that publicity in any form and at any time it chooses to, and this is not controlled by the organization.

Question 27 

Manufacturers' agents are MOST LIKELY used in such lines as ________.
A) apparel, furniture, and electrical goods
B) printing equipment, appliances, and heavy machinery
C) coal, chemicals, and metals
D) drug store items, and salon supplies
E) grocery items and other perishables


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A) The typical lines of business that manufacturers' agents work in are apparel, furniture, and electrical goods. Selling agents are common in the industrial machinery and equipment businesses. Selling agents also serve as the sales department for coal, chemicals, and metals businesses. Manufacturers' agents are not often used in such lines as grocery items, drug store items, and salon supplies.

Question 28 

Jack is the leader of a team in charge of developing a new promotion for a sports drink. Which of the following represents the first step Jack and his team will MOST LIKELY take?
A) design the marketing message
B) implement the promotional campaign
C) evaluate and adjust the marketing efforts
D) identify the target market
E) determine the marketing objectives


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D) The very first step in any promotional campaign is to identify the target market, the group of potential customers marketing efforts will be geared toward. Designing the marketing message, implementing the campaign, and evaluating and adjusting the marketing efforts all happen at later stages.

Question 29 

Annual reports are an example of ________.
A) publicity campaigns
B) controlled messages
C) globally integrated messages
D) print advertising
E) event sponsorship


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B) A company may disseminate annual reports, brochures, flyers, and newsletters or provide films or speakers to send a controlled message to targeted audiences.

Question 30 

After a marketing objective is defined, what is the next step marketers should take?
A) design the marketing message
B) determine the marketing budget
C) evaluate the components of the promotion
D) identify the target market
E) implement the promotional mix


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