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Question 231 

Where did royal absolutism first emerge?
A) England and Spain
B) France and Spain
C) France and Italy
D) England and France


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Question 232 

Russia began to Westernize during the reign of ________.
A) Ivan I
B) Peter I
C) Catherine II
D) Alexander I


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Question 233 

Leviathan justified which political theory?
A) constitutionalism
B) absolutism
C) democracy
D) republicanism


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Question 234 

Which of these ruled France in the second half of the 1600s?
A) Louis XIV
B) Catherine de Médicis
C) Louis XVI
D) Henry IV


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Question 235 

The government of Oliver Cromwell was the ________.
A) protectorate
B) republic
C) kingdom of England
D) Long Parliament


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Question 236 

In his four wars between the years 1667–1714, Louis XIV fundamentally sought to ________.
A) gain territory for France
B) convert England to Catholicism
C) destroy the Spanish Empire in the New World
D) assert French control of the seas


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Question 237 

Like Versailles, St. Petersburg was built to signal ________.
A) a new direction in royal rule
B) the accession of a new dynasty
C) a new economic policy
D) the start of a period of territorial growth


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Question 238 

Why was the Fronde significant?
A) It demonstrated the limits on royal absolutism.
B) It demonstrated the ease with which the French monarchs could take over the state.
C) It demonstrated the power of the French peasantry.
D) It demonstrated the power of the lower middle classes in France.


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Question 239 

Warfare during the seventeenth century was________.
A) a constant across Europe
B) sporadic across Europe
C) extensive only during the first half of the century
D) commonplace but of little long-term consequence


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